Aethelflaed's The New Bully

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(Millie Brady as Princess Æthelflæd)

The next morning...............
Lucille cooked breakfast for her son Daniel and his boyfriend Johnny before they leave for school. After that, Daniel and Johnny both get themselves ready for school as Johnny drives his boyfriend Daniel to school.

That day in school.............
Johnny and Daniel turned in their homework, did school work, ate lunch with their Cobra Kai friends Tommy, Bobby, Jimmy and Dutch. Last class of the day, they had gym class and showered after that.

After school.............
Johnny, Daniel, Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby and Dutch headed off to their Cobra Kai's karate class dojo.

Princess Æthelflæd discovers the type of fights other people use without weapons, she sees fighting with bare hands and feet as that's something the Saxons and Vikings haven't been taught because they use weapons to make death come too quick. Æthelflæd practices fighting on her own to see if she's worthy of fighting against her future prey. She practices and practices very hard until she gets ten times more stronger on how to strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Next she leaves into a time machine to the future of 1984's Reseda, California. Then the time machine stops as Æthelflæd steps out of her time machine where she sees actual moving vehicles on the road. Æthelflæd sets her sight on a karate dojo studio across the street from her time capsule that she just came out of. Æthelflæd walks across the street looking all curious at it as she helps herself inside the Cobra Kai dojo studio class. John Kreese lets Daniel LaRusso take the lead to drill his boy students in front of the class.

"Hi young lady, haha, may I help you, what are you doing here?" John Kreese laughs and asked the young princess.

"My name is lady princess Æthelflæd and I think this fighting is very interesting and I know how to fight and want to join the dojo" Æthelflæd suggested to John Kreese.

"Haha, really, you want to join us? It's interesting that your the first girl here, we'll let's see what you got first and let me see you do knuckle pushups with her fist first little lady" John Kreese laughs and said to Æthelflæd.

Æthelflæd does knuckle pushups as she was told and she did well on them as she did 30 of them for her first time as a natural.

"Well done then" John Kreese said to the girl.

"I'd like to challenge myself to fight all of your boys in this dojo" Æthelflæd suggested to John Kreese.

"Haha, are you sure?" John Kreese laughs and asked Æthelflæd.

"I want to because fear and pain doesn't exist to me even if I'm a girl" Æthelflæd said to John Kreese.

"I see you have been paying attention young lady and yes, she will fight of the boys here today, so today's fighting will be different and have fun boys" John Kreese said with a grin at them.

Æthelflæd fights her first random boy and he's out like a light, then the next boy and so on, more boys are out. Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby, Dutch and even the toughest boy fighter Johnny Lawrence got knocked out too with a bloody lip and a black and blue shiner on his right eye. Last, Daniel LaRusso fights against Æthelflæd. Daniel is doing just as terrible as the rest of the tough boys but not so tough anymore with their first unique looking girl around. For fighting so poorly, Daniel has been able to get up and fight more until he's able to throw one jab punch to her face cheek on her left side of her face. Æthelflæd has more of the powerful upper hand by striking Daniel back harder by giving him a shiner on his eye too just like Johnny's poor eye. Æthelflæd last kicked Daniel's back and shoved him last to the ground as he landed on his front as he's lying on his belly. That was the end of the class as John Kreese dismissed them. Johnny goes home with Daniel as they did their homework in Daniel's bedroom.
Around 5:00pm............
Lucille LaRusso comes home from work as she cooks dinner right away.
About 25 minutes later............

"Johnny! Daniel! It's time for dinner boys" Lucille shouted and said to her son Daniel and to Johnny as they are called for dinner by her.

Johnny and Daniel put on sunglasses to hide their awful shiners they got from Æthelflæd in class earlier.

"Mom, can we eat dinner in our room please?" Daniel asked his mom.

"Why don't you both want to eat dinner with me? We always eat together and why do you both have sunglasses on?" Lucille asked Johnny and Daniel.

"We just feel like wearing sunglasses and can we please eat dinner in my room mom" Daniel begged his mom Lucille.

"Oh come on, let me see your baby browns and Johnny I'd like to see your ocean blues and remove the sunglasses silky boys" Lucille said to Johnny and Daniel.

Johnny and Daniel took off their sunglasses to reveal their black eyes to Lucille.

"Oh no! What happened boys? I thought you both fight good all the time!" Lucille asked to shouted with worry in her voice.

"We know mom, we both did fight perfect until John Kreese lets a stupid girl fight all of us boys and we all lost to her and it's not fair to us mom and we hate Æthelflæd for it!" Daniel shouted the truth to his mom Lucille.

"I know what to do, I'll have a word with your instructor tomorrow and straighten this out ok boys" Lucille said to Johnny and Daniel.

"No mom you can't, Johnny and I know that reasoning with John Kreese wouldn't solve anything" Daniel said to his mom.

"I will and I believe it's not fair to you boys and I'll try to convince him to remove this girl from your karate class and as a mom I'm here to protect you boys" Lucille said to Johnny and her son Daniel.
{ A/N: I finally made it to this part and can't wait for you to read and vote on it welldamnroe thanks my Last Kingdom fans 😀}.

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