Alli's Break Up With Johnny

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The next day at school, Ali breaks up with Johnny Lawrence and stays with her friends.

                Johnny's P.O.V.
I messed up big time last night after Ali slapped me for kissing her against her will just to to get Daniel jealous and it's a fool for me laughing at him for falling over in the kitchen. I teased and beat him up all the time just trying to get close to Daniel. I don't know how to stop being so cruel to him. I just need time for myself and no more thinking about Ali and no girls at all I want to be with my friends but on the inside I'm alone so I'll be fine with that.

(Later on after gym)..................
(In the boys' locker room)......................

                   Johnny's P.O.V.
I never calmly talked to Daniel before so I'm going to let out some advice to him.

"Aren't you gonna shower here? It's way better than waiting til you get home because you'll stink like nasty ass sweat" I asked and told him calmly. 

"Your right maybe I will for a change and thanks for your advice Johnny" Daniel said to me in a civil manner too surprisingly.

It's will be the first for this sexy little dork to shower here. I've never had feelings for another boy but I think there is something about Daniel LaRusso that other boys don't see. I see Daniel first takes his shirt off to bare his chest and belly. Oh man that belly is very beautiful I wished to kiss that oh my what a nice belly button he has too. I quickly turned away again so he can strip off his pants and underwear and then I looked over again for a curious peek. Oh my it's true that Daniel doesn't have what other boys have here. I'm a hairy bushy blonde down there like all of the boys. I couldn't help but stare at Daniel's smooth balls and area down there just beautiful. It's a good thing Daniel isn't noticing me staring or I'd turn my head quickly. I watched Daniel walk into the shower as his butt is very tight and lifted nicely, what a great bod Daniel has.

"Hey, Johnny what the hell are you staring at?!" My buddy Bobby shouted at me.

"Nothing" I lied to him.

"Are you sure it ain't nothing? Or you staring at Daniel, haha!" Bobby asked and laughed at me.

"No it's not LaRusso really, it's nothing so cut it out quit laughing at me you pathetic hyena!" I shouted at Bobby.

Then the rest of my friends pathetically laughed too so I just rolled my eyes and I showered separately too.

After I cleaned up. I let my friends separate from me on purpose as I stated after Daniel got his backpack together in his locker room and his locker in the hallway as I was really watching him after my friends left. It's not like my typical stalking him I just want to talk to him before he goes home too. Then I finally make my move to his hallway locker after he locks up. 

"Hi Daniel, before you leave I want to talk to you" I first said to Daniel.

"What do you want?!" Daniel shouted at me.

What the heck? I really want to be nice to him now that I finally saw him naked and I liked it.

"I'm sorry for beating you up, calling you names and tormenting you please forgive me please Daniel" I said to him looking sincere to him as I gave him the most vulnerable look on my face to Daniel.

"Ok yes fine I forgive you then" Daniel said to me as that final weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Ali broke up with me last night and I definitely deserved it. There is two things I can make it up to you Daniel, one I'll let you into my Cobra Kai dojo and my sensei will love your bad ass karate moves and will you go to the movies with me later this evening please I'm free tonight?" I explained and asked Daniel.

"I'm sorry Ali broke up with you. Yes, I'll definitely show up at your dojo place tomorrow after school and I think your asking me out on a boy on boy date right?" Daniel asked me.

"Don't be sorry Ali broke up with me, it's officially over and I want to forget about her. I'm glad you will participate in Cobra Kai with me and yes I'm asking you out on a boy on boy date to the movies later please? I'm very lonely with nothing to do LaRusso" I begged Daniel.

"Ok yes sure it's a date then I'll go home, do my homework and get dressed for our date" Daniel said to me.

"I'm so excited Daniel thank you and I'll pick you up at your house later goodbye" I last said to Daniel as I first blew him a kiss goodbye and quickly went home too.
(This is my very first Johnny and Daniel story and to makes things differently in my own style of it. Miyagi won't be in it as Daniel learns Cobra Kai and is able to be popular with Johnny's friends too.)

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