"I know what your thinking Ave but that's not true. I didn't just change. We both did. I trusted you but now I just don't know if I can. And I don't want to risk it."

I am so tired of hearing her say that. "Mom." My phone buzzes. I glance at Zayn's name. "I have to go."



(•_•) -SKIPP wants to meet Zayn.

I get to Macy's but my mind is stuck on whatever it is my mom was trying to do. She was trying to talk to me and bond or something. First Blane and now her. Almost like things are going backwards.

Aman walks pass and does a double take seeing me, "Avery."


"Here to buy more red thongs?"

"I never bought a red thong." I shake my head, "Wait what? Why are we talking about this?"

"Right." He raises his brow, "We should be talking about that fire you started."

"Aman I don't know what to tell you."

"I already seen that it was the group of you. A blue haired girl, a tall lanky guy, a football player dude, and little ol' you." He crosses his arms smirking, "Hurry up with the story." I tell him the story not giving up too much details.

"Have you told Zayn?"

"No. I want too but I just..."

"You didn't want to tell me you were here?" Zayn comes up behind me making me stop talking entirely. He comes up and kisses me.

"Thanks for coming babe."

"No problem." I give Aman a look. The keep your mouth shut look and he slaps Zayn's shoulder getting the clue.

"I'm going to go on my break."

Zayn's POV

She sits in the cafeteria, her eyes focused on the boy across from her. Tyler is saying something to me but I can't care. I have never cared for his conversations. He's constantly interrupted by his phone calls. So his sentences are never completed and the shit just makes no sense.

That's why I'm watching her, I like seeing her laugh. She gets this small dimple by her chin. Her eyes water when it's something she finds like extremely hilarious.

I've come to know the small things about Avery. I know she wakes up early and eats right away. I know she loves to talk. I know she hates chunky peanut butter. She doesn't like moist bread. She has a weird potato fettish. Being corky and weird is her. And I like that about her. Fuck, I like her.

The bell rings and she stands up and looks in my direction. She flashes me a smile then walks away with her friends.

She jumps and pulls her phone out and quickly puts her phone away. I shake my head. She keeps doing that. Every time her phone rings she jumps like. At first it was pretty funny but now I'm a little concerned for her. Why would you jump every time your phone goes off.

Tyler taps the desk, "Come on man."

I follow him back to the art classroom and take a seat at his desk. The room starts to fill up with a ton of shitty annoying kids. Like I do during this time, I take the blue ink pen from his desk. My fingers have an itch and craving to create something. Not something, someone. I get this feeling whenever I think about her.

I start with her smile. I draw her smile first. She has the biggest beautiful smile. Like a movie, the memory of her smiling and laughing plays in my head.

"What are you smirking about?"

I look up at Tyler trying to rid the smile a bit, "I was just thinking about the girl."

"This girl makes you smile everyday."

"She does that." I thought of what she would say hearing this conversation. Probably something like "I have that affect on people." Just thinking of what that crazy little miss would say makes me chuckle.

Tyler's phone rings and he walks away so he can answer. Good. That leaves me to draw my girl without his questions.


After the very last bell I play it cool walking toward her locker. Like I haven't been thinking about this girl the entire time. Lord knows I haven't gotten this girl off my mind since I seen her standing at the bus stop.


She turns and flinches. The biggest jump her heart is practically being held in the palm of her hand. She is clenching so tight on her chest and breathing so heavily.

"Aye calm down love it's just me."

"Oh god Zayn don't sneak up on me like that. You scared the life out of me."

"I seen that." I head nod noticing all the other students passing. She nods back and I walk out the building slowly so she can catch up to me.

I stand at the far end of the building. I want to wait up for her so I can kiss her. I look over at her and she is talking to Wyatt. That guy gets the most action with the girls. I swear he's gay.

She hugs him and walks over my way. I like it when she tries to walk fast so she can catch up to me. Poor girl, her legs are long but she is just too slow. It's in her nature for her to stroll. She hasn't been in the city long enough.

My phone rings in my back pocket. Reading the name on the screen I almost freak out. She hardly ever calls. But Avery is too close for me to answer it now. Bloody hell. I end the call and power my phone off.

Avery wraps her arms around my shoulders, "Hey."

I kiss her, my lips taking in her soft ones. She smiles into the kiss and I pull back just to see it.

"Your ready yeah?"

"I'm ready. So what are we going to do today? Are we going to your place? We can go to my place..."

I let her ramble. I assist her onto the idle bus as she continues her...ranting. She takes a seat on the surprisingly somewhat empty bus. I look around taking quick glances at the people just trying to make sure no other students of the school are on this bloody bus.

"...And I'm talking to much." She says blushing and flashing her big smile.

"A little." I mumble. And she breathes heavily into this slight chuckle.

"We're going to have to talk on this bus ride. Because I've got to head off."

"What why?" Her smile fades into the cutest little pout. Her lips poke out as she nips on the inside of her mouth.

"I have to work." I tell her not showing the slightest bit of how much her pout made me want to take the day off.

"Okay but we'll hang out tomorrow?"

"How about this weekend. It's a busy week for me."

She lets out a sigh that blows her hair up. She giggles and shakes off whatever it is she is shaking. She smiles as she stares at me. Neither of us saying anything just looking at each other.

"Okay until this weekend." She says. "We'll meet up at the park."

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