The Flower

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What once was a seed which sat in the ground,

No petals, no beauty, no grace to be found,

Slowly she’s creeping outside of her shell,

Exploring the landscape in which she will dwell,

Pushing and shoving with all of her might,

The soil did part, the bright sun was in sight,

She felt its hot rays beat down on her face,

She now knew that this would be her heart’s place,

Feeding her body her stomach did stretch,

And out burst stems from the side of her chest,

These limbs kept on growing fingers outspread

To turn into leaves, through which she is fed,

Her final sweet joy which she gave to the world,

Was raising her head, let her petals unfurl,

The colours she showed us, so clear and so bright,

They made all those who saw them smile in delight,

Grown in the garden a sight to behold,

She’ll be beam out her beauty even when old,

Standing upright through wind, storms and rain,

Queen of the garden, live long in your reign.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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