Open Source Objects 3

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Ice Common eyes


Generally a cool guy, Loren doesn’t say much, instead opting to be faintly recognizable in the background with other characters. He tends to steal women out of relationships and is very smooth with the ladies. He is very passionate, kind, and thoughtful. He is a great writer and is a lover, not a fighter.

MicrophoneMetallic/Basic/GlimmerMoon/Obsidian/ObsidianLightning Rare eyes

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Lightning Rare eyes


Microphone is very prideful and confident in himself. He is very passionate for voice-acting. He is so good at throwing his voice, he can mimic anyone’s voice almost perfectly. He is constantly mistaken for other microphones on other object shows, which agitates him immensely. He doesn’t take anything seriously, which is often quite annoying. He doesn’t work well in teams and tends to do his own thing. Often times he is good at causing people to follow him in whatever he’s doing, whenever that thing is logical or not. Impersonation is his thing!

Nail ClippersMetallic/Alloy/OpalSilver/Silver/DustPlague Unusual eyes

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Nail Clippers
Plague Unusual eyes


She's a moody teenager who doesn't usually talk unless it's with close friends or via text. She is a very serious person who is sarcastic. She won't smile very often, but appreciates good jokes. She listens to lots of death metal rock and 1980s music, after discovering herself in university. One of the "gang", she is very frail, but doesn't really use her brain to help with anything as she's always distracted by something. She is somehow pretty good at winning a fist fight, though.

 She is somehow pretty good at winning a fist fight, though

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Object Show Flight Rising 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin