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Zoya rolls onto the ground, sliding beneath a bombardment of blaster fire. Din, to her left, flinches as one bolt ricochets off the Beskar molded to his shoulder. Greef shoots from behind them, and Cara's heavy weapon still mows down Stormtroopers in view of the cantina's broken window. But no matter how many troopers they fell, more seem to rise in their places.

IG-11 twists with the child still strapped to his front, taking out four troopers in a matter of seconds, shooting so quickly that the ends of his blasters seem to be permanently stained a glowing crimson.

But even with how quickly he moves, the droid is still not fast enough. As Zoya fires off a few more shots, bolts pound into IG-11's back, sending him to his knees with a dull clang. She swallows a shout as the droid hunches down over the child, protecting him from the troopers still firing upon them, sacrificing the integrity of his own form for the creature's sake. Whipping around, Zoya's eyes find Din's helmet, glinting like a beacon.

"Din—" she starts to shout, but he's already moving.

Shoving his blaster into the holster at his hip, Din jumps forward, ducking underneath the Imperial fire. He's heading directly for the cannon that they'd set up outside the cantina; Zoya's eyes widen when she realizes what he's going to do.

"Holy shit," she mutters, edging back towards a wall, wondering if she'll need to take cover. "Greef—"

Din picks up the cannon from its mount, holding it low at his hips. Without a single moment of hesitation, he turns and releases a steady stream of fire upon the Stormtroopers still alive on the other side of the square. Smoke the color of slate bubbles from the ground where the bolts strike, and troopers collapse to the ground as they're hit, cries echoing underneath the cacophonous sound of the heavy weapon firing.

Zoya presses herself against the wall, Greef nearby, and together they aide Din, firing upon the remaining Stormtroopers. It isn't long before Cara's blaster erupts once more from within the cantina. With the additional support of the cannon, for the first time it seems possible that they could make it out of this alive—even IG-11 rises to his feet, holding his blasters high.

"Behind you!" Greef shoots over her shoulder twice in the blink of an eye.

Zoya flinches instinctively, but turns to see two troopers smoldering on the ground. She nods shortly, trying to catch her breath. "Thanks," she says.

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