Chapter 7: To Protect Those You Love

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"W-what!" Haruka said in confusion.

"I made it just in the nick of time" Wine said with a serious look.

"How did you get here so quickly?" Haruka asked.

"I ran with all my might" Wine said.

"There's no way" Haruka said.

Wine had then grabbed Hibari and held her in his arms.

"I'm sorry Hibari, I dragged you into this" Wine said while looking at the ground.

"It's okay, Wine...senpai" Hibari said as she fainted.

Wine had sat Hibari down by a wall.

"We're not fighting here, move it" Wine said in a serious tone.

"You think you can tell me what to do? You're dead wrong" Haruka said.

Wine had summoned his Katana. Wine then began to prepare himself for battle.

"I wouldn't want to hurt my little toy, so I'll move, but by my own accord, not yours" Haruka said.

Then, Wine and Haruka had moved a bit further away from the unconscious Hibari.

"This is good enough" Wine said.

"Well well, aren't you a gentleman" Haruka said with her robot behind her.

Wine had said nothing. He had only one goal and only this goal in mind, and that was to defeat Haruka.

"My name's Haruka, it's a pleasure" Haruka said.

"Wine" Wine said seriously.

"Oh my? How rude, but my puppet will teach you some manners" Haruka said.

Then, her robot had gone to Wine with it's arm as a chainsaw, swinging at Wine.

"Shinobi Art: Will of The Burning Flame" Wine said.

"Yomi told me about this move. What good is this move if you're just gonna waste it?" Haruka said with a cocky smile.

Then, Wine's Katana began to engulf itself in flames. Wine then proceeded to swing at the chainsaw.

"What?!" Haruka shouted in confusion.

Then, Wine broke through the chainsaw with ease.

Will of The Burning Flame, a move in which it heals the user back to 100% with a little strength boost but can only be used once a day. But that's its metaphor mode. Another mode is its personification mode, in which it turns the sword into a fire sword which lasts as long as its user does. The amount it can be used is infinite.

Wine then proceeded to swing at the robot, sending it flying to Haruka, who had barely dodged.

"Who the hell are you?" Haruka said.

"I'm just a teen who wants to live a normal life" Wine said.

Wine proceeded to aim his sword at Haruka's neck but stopped a millimeter away.

"You know, I've killed before" Wine said.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Haruka asked.

"Not really, I just wanted to let you know. Honestly I can end your life just as easily as I can breathe, but I won't" Wine said, removing his sword from her throat.

"You think just because you spared me like Yomi we're gonna be friends?" Haruka said.

"No, I just don't wanna do the exact thing that got me my title" Wine said.

"Well big mistake!" Haruka said while pulling out vials.

Wine then instantly rushed at Haruka and kicked her stomach, sending her and the vials flying.

Wine had grabbed the vials, making sure they didn't break. Wine then went to Haruka, who was grabbing her stomach. Haruka was barely standing up. Haruka then tried to punch Wine, but Wine blocked every single attack.

"Sorry, but it's over" Wine said while getting behind her.

"Ahhh-" Haruka said after getting hit on the back of her neck.

Wine then grabbed the knocked out Haruka and took her to where Hibari was.

"Sigh, what a pain" Wine said.

30 Minutes Later

Hibari was beginning to wake up. The girls were all surrounding Hibari to make sure she was okay.

"Hibari!" all the girls shouted.

"Oh hey guys" Hibari said.

Yagyū had held Hibari the tightest out of all the girls. Hibari noticed.

"I'm okay everyone" Hibari said.

"We were worried sick!" Asuka said.

"Yeah, you had Yagyū in a massive panic" Katsuragi said.

"I'm sorry Yagyū-chan" Hibari said.

"I'm just glad you're okay" Yagyū said while holding Hibari tight.

"If it wasn't for Wine-senpai, I..." Hibari said while thinking if what would've happened.

"It's okay Hibari, you're safe" Ikagura said to reassure her.

"Actually speaking of Wine, where is he?" Asuka asked.

"Wine said after waiting for the enemy to wake up and then bringing Hibari here, he was gonna go home and sleep" Ikaruga answered.

"Poor guy. He's probably beating himself up over this" Asuka said.

"I don't want that, it's because of him I'm here right now" Hibari said.

"Well we can only hope he feels better" Asuka said.

"Yeah" Yagyū said.

Even though Yagyū had not mentioned Wine, she was extremely grateful for him saving Hibari.

In another location

"I need to wait a week to get in? That's bullshit!" a teen shouted.

"If I knew I'd have a week to spare, I would've packed all of my favorite stuff. This is all the elder's fault for rushing me" the teen ranted.

"Thief!" a woman shouted as a man with a mask had stolen her purse.

The teen was in front of the thief. Then, the floor had begun to spring roots, which caused the thief to lose his balance. While the thief slowed down, the teen decided to throw a kick at the thief's face to stop him in his tracks. The thief fell and was knocked out. The teen then grabbed the purse and returned it to its owner.

"Thank you so much! If it's not a bother, what's your name?"

"My name? Heh, the name's Latrell. Pleasure to meet ya!" Latrell said while pulling back his glove.

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