Chapter 3: To Become Friends

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It was time for Asuka and Hibari to fight for their training. Wine could tell Hibari was lacking confidence so he decided to boost it up.

"You can do it Hibari! Show Asuka what you're made of!" Wine shouted as he gave her a thumbs up.

Hibari's lack of motivation turned into determination. Yagyū was surprised and a bit jealous of this action by Wine so she did the same thing.

"You can win this Hibari, you're strong" Yagyū told Hibari.

"Kick her ass Hibari!" Katsuragi shouted while jumping over and over again

"I believe in you Hibari" Ikaruga said with a smile.

Asuka was a bit upset that the rest weren't giving her support. Wine could tell how she was feeling so he also supported her.

"Asuka! You also better not lose!" Wine shouted.

She looked at Wine and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll definitely beat Hibari" Asuka said while preparing herself.

How the rules worked is that whoever gets a clean hit once, wins.

"Get into position" Kiriya said.

Hibari started to get ready.

Then, they both did their Shinobi Transformation

"Ready...set...go!" Kiriya shouted.

The battle has now started. Asuka instantly goes to Hibari and swings both her Katanas, but Hibari dodges. Hibari then runs back to regain her composure but Asuka is close to follow. Hibari then went on the offensive, with her kicking backwards, Asuka barely dodged it as she didn't expect it.

'Woah, Asuka and Hibari are pretty good, but it's definitely not enough to defeat strong shinobi' Wine thought.

"Awwww, I almost had you" Hibari said in an upset tone.

"Yeah, no kidding. But Hibari, I'm going to defeat you right here and now" Asuka said.

Asuka proceeded to jump into the air and do a sideways spin with her blades into the ground, this caused rocks to appear out of complete nowhere. Hibari had moved back but it was too late, at that moment Asuka was using her Ninja Art Scroll. Asuka had jumped off from one of the stones that she created and used her katanas. And in an instant, Hibari fell to the ground.

"Hit! That makes Asuka the winner" Kiriya said.

"That was scary" Asuka said as she fell onto her knees.

Yagyū, Katsuragi, and Ikaruga went to help Hibari up while Wine went to Asuka. Asuka looked up to see Wine walking to her, she didn't think anyone would go to her.

"Need a hand?" Wine said to Asuka.

"I'm fine, thank you though" Asuka said while standing up.

"The way you fought was really cool, I'd honestly love to see you fight again one of these days" Wine said with a subconscious smile.

"N-no, I s-still have ways to g-go! I'm still not at my grandfather's level, not even close" Asuka said.

"Oh? So your grandfather taught you? I'd love for him to teach me too if it's possible" Wine said.

"He doesn't teach anymore. But I'll be glad to show you how they work. The style that I use is named after him, it's called Han-" Asuka said before getting cut off by Katsuragi and being groped.

"As the winner of this battle, you get the prize of being groped" Katsuragi said while playing with Asuka's boobs.

"N-noooo! S-stop" Asuka said while moaning a bit and making lewd faces.

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