Chapter 16 - Forging of New Paths

Start from the beginning

He dismounted his horse, as I moved closer.

He pulled something wrapped in cloth away from the saddle.

"I've missed you." I said, causing the figure to freeze. He threw his hood back, showing the face of the Elf I held closest to my heart. A smile graced his face. I walked towards him, fast and determined.

Upon reaching him, I gently cupped his cheeks, pulling his face towards mine, and kissing him for the first time in what felt like a millennium. 

"I missed you too, my love..." He pulled me closer wrapping his arms around my waist, as mine circled his neck, hugging tightly, with a wish to never part again. 

Our tender moment could not last forever, however, as there was a war going on, and urgent business to attend to. He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I wish for nothing more, than to be able to just be alone with you at the moment, my dear, but I need to see Aragorn urgently." I nodded.

"Would it be safe to assume that it was Arwen that pushed you to this visit?" I asked with a gentle smile, despite the throb in my heart at the thought of Arwen, knowing that she would be in pain, that her light would be dying through just remaining on Middle Earth in this era of darkness. From the grimace on Elrond's face, there was no need for him to answer. 

"I'll show you to King Theoden's tent, where you will be able to talk to him in private," I offered him my arm, which he took. "Come one."

Elrond lifted his hood again, to hide his presence in the camp, wishing to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.

Approaching the tent, I spoke to the guard on watch.

"We need to see the King, urgently. Please go fetch Lord Aragorn and bring him here." He nodded, walking towards the tents of our remaining fellowship. The remaining guards hold open the tent flaps as I enter Theoden's tent with my husband.

I let Elrond explain his purpose to the King, waiting to the side of the tent. Theoden and I turn as the tent flaps are again pushed open, and Aragorn comes in.

"I take my leave..." Theoden states, walking out with a strange look to Aragorn as he moves past. I smile at Aragorn lightly.

"I might leave you two as well..." I say, about to turn and leave, but Elrond holds up his hand. I remain where I am.

Elrond casts his hood off, shocking Aragorn. The Ranger bows.

"My Lord Elrond." With a quick glance to me Elrond speaks to Aragorn.

"I come on behalf of those whom I love." My face gentles at the sight of Elrond's pained one. "Arwen is dying..." 

I resist the urge to comfort him. With a quick glance to Aragron, I can see the despair on his face as well, clear as anything. 

"She stayed?" His eyes flickered to me for the slightest moment, remembering our conversation after the events of Fangorn Forest. 

"She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor..." Elrond's eyes flicker to Aragorn's chest, where the Evenstar rests, "The light of the Evenstar is failing."

I felt a tear begin to build in my eyes, as I listened to Arwen's potential fate, fearing even more for the consequences of loosing. 

"As Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes. Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the ring... The shadow is upon us, Aragorn. The end has come."

"It will not be our end, but his."

"You ride to war..." Elrond said, taking a step closer to the Ranger, "but not to victory. Sauron's armies march on Minas Tirith - this you know, but in secret he sends another force which will attack from the river."

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