That's One Way to Cope

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"So first things first." You hopped in your car and Koby joined in the passenger seat. "You've missed some things since you were busy in the bushes so I think you need a recap."

"Sorry.." He mumbled as he popped a piece of gum you offered in his mouth.

"It's fine, I expected that to happen." You smiled as you backed the car out into the street. "We'll go over it and then I'll show you the (Y/n) way to cope with this line of work."

"Something tells me I'm not going to like how you put up with this." He leaned his head back into the seat and closed his eyes.

"Maybe. But no one says my way has to be yours too." You flipped on the radio and turned the volume down so it could provide some background noise.

"True. So what's the run down?"

"So, our cannibal friend doesn't have much rhyme or reason for who he picks as a victim besides them being between the ages of 20 and 30 as far as we can tell. He likes them a little young but gender, occupation, connections, none of that matters. Usually he likes to get in and make his kills quick and quiet so he has time to dismember the body and take what he wants with him."

Koby was beginning to look like he was going to be sick again so you cracked the windows for some fresh air and cranked up the ac.

"This time he wasn't able to be so efficient. I'm still working on how he was able to have Prim let him in but I know for sure he didn't break into the house. When she realized who he was, it resulted in her most likely screaming or calling for help, backpedaling to the living room and him hitting her over the head to subdue her."

"With the lamp." Koby said. He was getting a better hold of himself.

"Yep. From there she got to the kitchen, probably in an attempt to grab something to defend herself with. Our killer follows, grabs a knife, and procedes to attack her with that."

"She got multiple lacerations on her arms from defending herself from that." Koby agreed. "But how did he kill her?"

"That's were it gets pretty gruesome." You grimaced. "They're going to have to take a better look at the body in the morgue but I think he managed to knock her down and...."


"And start cutting her up while she was still alive. She probably died from blood loss."

"Jesus Christ."

He turned green and you barely had enough time to pull over before he was throwing himself out of the car and puking on the side of the road. When he was empty and only dry heaving, you spoke up again.

"While her death wasn't pretty we can say he didn't get the chance to take everything he wanted off of her. Someone heard the commotion and called the police. It's not much, but it's a little better than how things could've went."

"She's still fucking dead (Y/n)!" Koby stumbled to his feet and got back in the car.

You offered him another piece of gum, not liking how his breath smelled.

"I know and crying over it isn't going to help. He made a slip up and if he kills another before we catch him I hope he slips up again. We're going to catch him but first, we need time to think and investigate."

You got the car going and you were almost to your destination.

"But right now, I could use a stiff drink."


"This is not a good way to cope with all this (Y/n)." Koby remarked unhappily.

"Sure it is, just ask anyone on the force. And you're more than welcome to drink too, you're 21, right?" You slammed back a shot of tequila and twisted around in your stool to face him.

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