Chapter 53: The Dress

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Rey's POV:

The gowns are absolutely stunning. I have never seen so much detail and patterns on any other garment. I slipped into the gown to see how they drew ped across my frame. Neither gown fit just right; however, I adored the way the skirts danced across the floor. The fabric felt so soft and ran so smoothly over my skin I never wanted to take them off. I eventually talked myself into returning my normal clothes, before exploring the rest of the contents of the crate. The ice clear jewels made my jaw drop. I couldn't help but feel unworthy of the gifts in this crate. A desert rat like myself did not deserve to be treated like a palace princess or at least that is how I see myself. Ben sees me in a way I still struggle to picture. He treats me and spoils me as if I am a princess or his prized treasure, which I am still struggling to get used to coming from nothing. I do my best to picture how I must appear through his eyes. Using the images floating through my mind as inspiration as I begin to sketch an idea of how to alter the gowns and jewelry into something new. Wanting to transform them into something unique, something creative, something that represents me the way my soon to be husband sees me.

Once pleased with the design in front of me I began to slowly alter the gowns and jewelry losing track of time. I prick my fingers with the needle numerous times during the process. I keep going until I am proud of the final result. The dress is breathtaking and even more stunning than my sloppy sketch could even represent. (Dress looks like the photo above) I slipped into it one last time to double-check the final fit. I start to cry at the sight of myself in the mirror. The morning sun was just starting to slide through the windows after a long night's work. It illuminated the jewels on the gown in such a way that strikes a chord deep within my soul. As I watch my reflection in the full-length mirror, I begin to cry. I was finally able to picture myself the way Ben did: beautiful, strong, and worthy of so much more than what I had been given in life. I take all my will to stop crying as I carefully remove the gown and place it back in the crate. After returning it to the place out of sight, I realized I just kicked Ben out of our room for the night. I also noticed how much I was starving after skipping a whole day's worth of meals.

I head out and find Ben cooking something in the kitchen. I can't help but just stare at him for a while as I lean against the entryway. "I see you finally decided to rejoin me in the land of the living." He says this with a light chuckle as he places two plates full of food on the table. "I am so sorry. I just really got sucked into my work and didn't realize how long it had been till I was finished. I did not originally plan to be gone that long." I defend myself as I sit next to him and start eating the freshly made breakfast. "You were in there all day yesterday and all night last night. Did you sleep at all?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow at me. "Do you really want to know the real answer to that question?" I ask in a joking manner.

Ben's POV:

She always puts her all into everything she does that's one of the things I love about her. "I suppose I already know the answer to that so I guess not. While you were busy I finalized everything for the honeymoon and I invited everyone here next week for the ceremony." I say casually as I wait for her response. "Next week! Why so soon?" She practically protests. "I knew how close you were to my dad and mom, so I thought it would be nice if we remembered them by having the same anniversary," I explain as I reach over and take both her hands in mine. "Ben, that's so sweet!" She exclaims then plants a kiss on my cheek. "If I knew you had that in mind we could have told Poe and Finn to stay till after the ceremony," Rey explains while giving his arm a light jab. "I did tell them so they are staying somewhere nearby. I just wanted alone time with you before the wedding. They also wanted some well deserved alone time with each other so everything worked out." After finishing our meals and cleaning up, I swoop her off her feet just as she is beginning to yawn. "How about we celebrate our achievements so far with a well deserved nap?" I ask as I watch her snuggle into my chest and close her eyes. The sight warms my heart knowing I will be able to take care of her like this the rest of our lives. I press a kiss to the top of her head, indulging myself with the sweet smell of her hair before carrying her up to our room.

Searching For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora