Chapter 41: Forgiving the past

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Heidi's POV

I suddenly jolt awake and looks around in a panic, "Calm down love, you are safe now." I hear the sound of a familiar Scottish voice say to the right of me. I look around the room to see that I am surrounded by my friends and family and as I look at their faces this horrible feeling comes over me as everything that has happened over the last month or so comes rushing back to me. "Please tell me that it was just a horrible nightmare and I didn't do the things I think I did." I say with tears filling my eyes. Ben steps forward and sits on the end of the bed placing his hand over mine, "I really wish I could, but the important thing is that is over and you are back to yourself." I look everyone in the room deep into their eyes knowing that I can never make up for what I have done.

"All I can say is that I am sorry." I turn my attention to Harry placing my free hand over his as he looks at me with a small smile on his face. "I mostly sorry to you Hooky, I wanted to hurt you the most." Tears fall from my eyes as I take a deep breath trying to get my body to stop shaking. "I want to hurt all of Auradon, to make all of you feel exactly what I have been feeling for what seems like forever now." Ally steps up to Ben and places her hand on his shoulder as he looks up at her and moves while Ally sits down where Ben was sitting.

"I think it is us that should be saying that we are sorry to you Heidi. We are your friends and family and we were blinded by how much you are dealing with." Everyone agrees while nodding their heads, "In the future, if you feel like you are slipping into that dark place again then tell someone because you have a lot of people here that love you." Ally gives me a big hug and it is one that I return just as fast. "I am so happy that you are back to normal, being evil didn't fit you well, the hero live is much more your style." Ally laughs getting me to laugh along with her.

"Speaking of evil, what happened to Hayden?" I ask pulling out of the hug and turning my attention to Mal and Ben, "Hayden vanished after Harry knocked you out, no one knows what happened to her." I smile a little bit because I know Hayden well enough to know that went back to the Isle to be with Morris. "What is going to happen to me now?" I ask as Ben sighs getting the attention of everyone in the room. "After the evidence that Mark and Mal found and brought to me I decided that since you didn't actually do anything under your own free will that you not be charged with anything." I look at him confused not exactly sure what Ben is talking about.

"Back up a little bit. What evidence?" Ben looks over at Mal who nods her head. "After you were brought here Mal checked out Maleficent scepter because she found it strange at how the scepter affected you, and that is when she ran into Mark who shared the same suspicion." I look over at Mal who looks down at the ground before looking at me in my eyes. "What did the two of you find out?" Mal takes a deep breath crossing her arms over her chest. "Mark said that someone placed a powerful dark curse on the scepter, from the research I have done it turns out that the curse that was on scepter would have affected anyone that touched it." I look at Mal with a blank expression because I have no idea what she is saying.

"Think of like a juiced up version of my mother's spinning wheel curse, instead of putting you into a deep sleep this curse made you into a human voodoo doll." I tuck a strain of my hair behind my ear. "Your telling me that the moment I touched the scepter that someone unknown was controlling me?" Mal nods her head, "It explains the dark whispers that you heard, those voices in your head came from someone that wanted the time travel portal open for some reason. But the important thing is that they failed Heidi, and Fairy Godmother has closed the portal and you are not under the curse anymore." I nod my head at her as I start thinking of who would want to do this to me.

"Can I talk to Harry in private please." Ben and Mal nod their heads as everyone walks out leaving Harry and I alone. "How is Henry?" I ask panicked because I haven't seen him in a long time. "He is prefect love, he is with his aunt Kylie and I think Kylie has fallen in love with him because she won't him out of her sight for a moment." I let out a little laugh as I look into the eyes of Harry and for the first time with the dark fog lifted I think of just how much of a big part of my life that Harry is involved in. "I remember you telling me about Pearl." Harry nods his head but manages to smile a loving smile at me.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am love, I think this was a sick of way of testing our marriage but we made it out stronger than ever." My eyes fill with tears as a few slip out of my eyes and roll down my cheek. "I think we need to take this as a new beginning for the two of us Heidi, we can put the past behind us and start over." Harry places his hook on the bed and then with his other hand lightly runs his thumb along my eyes wiping my tears away and kisses both of my cheeks taking the tears away.

"Sounds prefect to me." I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me as our lips meet in the middle for a passionate kiss. I have missed this side of harry so much and now that we are finally back on the same page it feels like everything we have gone through doesn't really matter anymore. "Eager much there Princess?" Harry comments as I pull away from the kiss just staring into the eyes of the man that has become my other half, he is my husband, and I wouldn't change anything.

"Just making up for lost time." I joke as the both of start laughing. "I love you Heidi." Harry grabs my hand and I look deep into the ocean blue eyes that hold so many of my personal memories. "I love you too Harry." I say and it is in that moment as those words leave my lips that everything changes for me as I finally allow myself to forgive everything that has happened to me putting it in the past where it belongs and I turn my attention to my future with my friends and family. 

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