Chapter 1: Update on Auradon

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Heidi's POV

It has been a month since I broke up with Harry, and every day it gets harder and harder. My friends have been more than supportive of my choice to keep my distance from Harry until I figure out what I really want to do, deep down I fear that if I take too long with my decision then I might lose Harry for good. Harry at first was spending all his time around me trying to make up for his mistakes and get us back to together, but now he is starting to act more Isle as the days go by, he hangs out with kids from the isle a lot more now, he spends a lot of his free time with Audrey, and from what I hear he is barely at R.O.A.R practice.

I tried to talk to him but he refused to talk to me about it and Gil and Quaid tell me that it is his way of dealing with heartbreak which scares me to my core. As you can imagine things between Harry and I are awkward but we have managed to not let that affect Henry in any way because Harry spends just as much time with him as I do. I can't say that I don't miss him because I do, and I know that I still love him but for right now I know that we just can't be together. Harry isn't the only one that has suitors because ever since news of my break up with Harry spread through Auradon Prep Chet Cheshire hasn't left me alone.

I am flattered for all that he does but it doesn't feel right to have someone that isn't my husband around me like that when I know that he has romantic feelings for me. Is also been a month since my dad arrived in Auradon and I have to say that having my dad around has helped me out more than anyone could know. Hadie still hasn't talked to him or even seen him since our dad arrived,and my mom was freed from her prison and has returned to my Uncle Poseidon's fold, and my dad as somewhat adapted to the Auradon lifestyle but of course he does have his moments. 

Both of my parents spend most of their time in Auradon but on occasion they travel away from Auradon to do their own things. I feel very lucky everyday now that I know both of my parents because I know that more than half of the kids on the isle don't know and might never know who their second parent is. Lastly you have the news on Isle, I am happy to tell you that the Isle is now the second most thriving place in all of Auradon with Auradon Prep being number one of course. Ben and Mal are still a little worried about letting magic back on the isle, and I know that a part of them is also worried about the villains that choose to stay on the isle.

The Isle has been completely rebuilt and is now being run by a council of ten villains who were voted by the residents of the isle. The Isle now gets daily shipments of fresh food and drinks, Carlos has taught everyone how to use the internet, and Mal and Ben have declared that anyone from the isle who wishes to come to Auradon is more than welcome. Things have been peaceful which here in Auradon only means that something horrible and evil is just around the corner. The kids that came to Auradon from the Isle are adjusting very well. So far from the isle I have seen Mad Maddy the granddaughter of Madam Mim, Jace the son of Jasper,Harry the son of Horace, LeFou Deux the son of LeFou,Easton Balthazar the son of Edgar Balthazar, Hops the son of Hopper, Mads the daughter of Madame Medusa, and Kruz the son of Kronk.

I also heard that we are getting new students from two strange places called Hundred Acre Wood and The Magic Kingdom, and today Herkie is returning for the first time since leaving Auradon a month ago to go to Olympus for a family vacation.Ben got a letter from him a few weeks back saying that two kids from Olympus would be coming back with him to attend Auradon Prep. I am very excited to meet another family member but I also wonder why none of my other cousins didn't accept the offer from King Ben and Queen Mal.

I am pulled out my thoughts by a medium sized shadow being casted over me, and when I look up I see that it is Gabriella. She has her hair tied up into a ponytail, she has on a red overcoat, a white fancy dress top, a yellow necklace with the letter G as a pendent, her brown purse sling over her shoulder, a black skirt that looks like something Fairy Godmother would frown upon, white knee high socks, and a pair of black high heels. "Hi Gabriella." I smile at her closing my text book. Since coming to Auradon Gabriella and Gil have formed a strong sibling bind with each other and it makes me happy to see them treating each other like family instead of trying to outdo the other just to get praise from their dad Gaston.

"I was told by Christly to give you an important message." I laugh a little remembering how hard it was when I first came to Auradon Prep to remember everyone's name and who they were related to. "What is the message?" I ask as Gabriella pulls out a piece of paper from her bag. "King Benjamin just received word that Herkie is due back in Auradon any moment." I nod my head and as fast I can put everything I had out in my bag. I quickly stand up on my feet and give Gabriella a huge hug, "Thanks Gabriella." I say before pulling out of the hug and hurry to the front of the school where Herkie and the two new students from Olympus should show up. I just make it to the front of the school when Herkie appears and he is not alone. 

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