A cold breeze of air accompanied the silence in the throne room. Ains was wary after hearing those title. Why would one called the Deceiver also be called the Lord of Gifts? Also, what did she mean Lord of the Rings? The silence was ended by Demiurge's words.

Demiurge: The I present the Ruler of Nazarick and Supreme One Ains Ooal Gown.

    Another silence befell the room.

Ains: Agh! You couldn't give me more titles Demiurge!?

Sauron: It's is an honor, Lord Ains. As we both know, we've meet before.

Ains: Indeed we have. However you were under the guise of an elf and going by Celebrimbor, as I remember.

Sauron: That I was. To hide my true form of course. Silvana was also disguised.

Ains: Was she now? No way! I couldn't even tell!

Sauron: Yes, but enough of that. I asked for this meeting to discuss something of importance with you. Tell me, have you heard of...

    Ains sat forward a bit, prepared for him to say Yggdrasil.

Sauron: Middle-Earth?

    Ains sweat dropped.

Ains: No I have not. Damnit, he's not another player. Might as well ask him though.

Sauron: I see. My apologizes. Let's get onto other matters then.

Ains: Before that, I must ask, have you heard of Yggdrasil?

Sauron: Yggdrasil? No I don't...

    Then realization hit them both like a semi truck. They both chuckled softly before breaking out in loud booming laughter.

Albedo: Lord Ains?

Ungoliant: Is something the matter, Lord Sauron?

Sauron: No, nothing at all. Not what I was expecting, but welcoming nonetheless.

Ains: Agreed. Perhaps now we can talk in private.

Sauron: That's sounds all well and good.

Ains: Albedo, you and all the Guardians take our guests to the Amphitheatrum on the 6th floor and await there. Sauron and I will discuss in private.

Albedo: But Lord Ains!

Ains: Do it Albedo!

Albedo: ... very well my Lord. Please be careful.

    She then takes a glance at Sauron before leading everyone else out of the throne room.


Agandaur: Impressive Amphitheater.

    All the floor guardians and Sauron's guardians stood in the center of the stadium. They were all eyeing each other, sizing them up. Agandaur was the first to speak.

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