Season 1 Episode 7: Proto Drive's past revealed

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Somewhere in the woods we see Proto Drive with S.N.T driving up a dirt road and arrived at some abandoned wrecked house. Proto Drive and S.N.T get out of the car and they look around.

S.N.T: Looks like no one hasn't rebuild it for years.

Proto Drive kneeled down and lift off some rubble to see a diary. Proto Drive pick it up and read it. S.N.T see him reading something so she walk over and read with him.


Day: 60

I don't have long but if anyone found this....We failed. Our project called Roidmundes has failed. They rebelled against use and killed one of my Ex friend. He's the one that set the free and he died. I maybe next but I have kept a Prototype Roidmunde that I will use to safe the world's. This Roidmunde is Roidmunde 000 and he's......

(End Dairy)

S.N.T: Project Roidmunde? What's that?

Proto Drive: I think I'm starting to remember them. They are monsters that have ability to go fast then light. Humans can't see them but who ever this man made..They are gone.

S.N.T: Right so what's our next step?

Proto Drive: If we ask someone they may know.

???: And that person is me.

They turn to see Gold Drive.

They turn to see Gold Drive

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S.N.T: (thought) He looks scary and he's like Proto Drive.

Proto Drive: Who are you?

Gold Drive: Of course you don't know me....but I know you. Your kamen rider Proto drive, the one that escaped our base.

S.N.T: Base?

Gold Drive: Yes, I'm working with Dr Eggman and we are here to bring back the roidmundes and role the world. And are our first one.

Proto Drive: What do you mean?

Gold Drive: Well you see. Long ago I was the one of the scientists with my old friend Dr Krim ans we make the roidmundes to help humanity. But I want to use them as weapons but Krim refuse. But the roidmundes rebelled and killed me and Krim. But I did jus like Krim. I've transferred my mind into a computer and become a rider years later. But I was crushed by the riders ans was killed. But something happen to me without expected. I was sent to another world by Dr Eggman when he accidentally looking on something on his computer. At first he want to delete me but I tolled him about the roidmundes and all so we work together and now....We are here.

S.N.T: So your the reason that sent me and my friends here!

Gold Drive: (Laughter) Oh you are so right.

Proto Drive: But that doesn't explain you said I'm your first.

Gold Drive: Well in order to bring back the roidmundes we must remake them once again. After a few weeks we made our first one. But it escaped and we've been searching for it.

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