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Darkness consumed my view on everything.

Finally this day was over.

Nothing to do, no where to be, tomorrow starts a new day, and a new life.

My thoughts were interrupted by a faint yell,


My eyes shot open and I sat up looking straight at my window, which was closed.

Then I heard another voice yell, this one sounded feminine,


Then I heard a door slam and some mumbling.

I wasn't worried, but that was until I heard something smash on the floor.

What could he have thrown so hard that the sound of it reached my house.

I got up and slowly opened my window.

There he was, Luke something. His hands were pulling his hair and his legs were against his chest.

"Luke?" I called out softly.

His eyes opened slightly and his features softened.

"Ali?" He looked straight into my eyes.

"Are you ok?"

"Wow." He stood up and took about three steps so he was in front of his window.

"What is it?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Did I wake you?"

"Sort of, are you ok?" I asked once again.

"Wow, you sure look gorgeous for someone who just woke up." I felt my cheeks heat up and my lips tug up. He smiled, "I'm sorry for waking you, I'm fine I'm just having some problems but it's nothing important."

"Ok, do you need anything?"

"No, nothing at all."


"Are you going to go?" He asked.


"Don't go."

"Why not?"

"I just don't want you to." he briefly explained.

"Ok I won't."

"But you have school tomorrow, right?"

"No I take online classes so that doesn't really matter."

"That's nice." He rested his hand on the side of the window.

"What school do you go to?"

"A shitty one that I'm not going to tell you about, because it's definitely not interesting whatsoever."

"That's cool."

"Yeah because I'm cool like that."

"Now that's not cool."

Luke laughed for a little but I could feel my body warming up to his laugh.

We kept talking about basically nothing, which wasn't surprisingly boring, it was different.

It was nothing like I'd ever felt before or understood but it was helpful.

It was distracting and time wasting but fun and entreating, it was easy and complicated, but flowing and unique.

"Oh wow, it's almost 3 am." he chucked.


I checked my clock with read 2:49

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