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We already arrived at Korea and we head back to our dorms to rest

"I miss Philippines already" Yeonjun whined

"Yah! Me too, I want to visit Cebu again and again" Beomgyu whined too

"I just miss MOAs and I want to meet mister Pacquiao again" Taehyun flopped on the couch

"PH MOAs were really  energetic on that time when we held our showcase for them. They gave us so much love and support, I feel really touched" Soobin started to tear up

"I really like to talk them infront of the stage. I really enjoyed to do it with them" Kai smiled on the memory

"Soon! We'll visit Philippines soon" Taehyun gleamed

We sat on the couch in our studio and someone just knocked

"Who's there?"

"Who's it?"

Both Soobin and Yeonjun hyung asked the same question then the door just opened and we were all both shocked.

BTS sunbaenim?..

We immediately stood up and bowed to greet them



We all greeted each other at the same time and we feel a bit bit nervous even we just met them casually before. We were all speechless...

"Nice meeting you again!" Namjoon exclaimed

"Wooooooohhhhh! T-X-T! T-X-T!" Hoseok chanted our name then we all feel shy again

"N-nice meeting you too sunbaenim" Soobin stuttered

" was the showcase in the Philippines. Was it great?" Jungkook asked while sipping his banana milk

"Yes Jungkook hyung" Taehyun's ears got really red

"So... how can you explain the feeling?" Taehyung asked while sipping his tomato juice

"T-the feeling was great and it feels like a dream. They're all energetic and supportive toward us" Beomgyu was in beat red too like Taehyun.

They all gave us a thumbs up and proudly smiled.

"How many fans attended your showcase?" Jimin asked while sweeping his hair back

"Around...five thousand people in the venue" I smiled then they all just amazed for our achievement

"The fans really love our boys. I'm so really really happy!" Jin bounced with happiness like a supportive mom

"TXT! I heard that you went to Cebu after the day of your showcase right?" Hoseok questioned

"Ah. Yes hyung!" Yeonjun gleamed then Hoseok hyung too. Ugh! My eyes!

"How was it there? Was it hot?" Yoongi asked while laying on the other couch and we all laughed

"It was really beautiful and yes it's hot but.. it's worth it 'cause we met Taehyun's idol and that is mister Manny Pacquiao" Soobin explained then smiled

"You saw him there?" Taehyun asked with disbelief

"Ah. Yes!" Beomgyu gleamed

"Aigo~ This is so unfair! I want to meet him too. Jungkookie shall we?" Taehyun pouted while clinging onto Jungkook's arm

"Soon taetae. We will.." Jungkook grinned

Something's fishy oh well..

"What did he told you guys after you met each other there?" Jimin asked while sitting on the arm's rest of the couch where Yoongi was.

JEALOUS  {Sookai} ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt