Part 07 - Not Sleeping Beauty

Start from the beginning

Zhan regained his consciousness to see a face in front of him, while thinking who was that person. That made him and Yibo stare at each other for quite a long time without doing anything.

Tik.......... Tok.......... Tik.......... Tok..........

1 .. Xiao Zhan looked into the round eyes with one crease of the eye.

2 .. Xiao Zhan's gaze drops to the thick pink lips that looks a little shiny.

3 .. Xiao Zhan looked back at the round eyes which were still staring at him expressionlessly.

4 .. Xiao Zhan is aware of who is in front of him now.


"Waaa... Bo-di" Zhan shouted, involuntarily pulling his right hand which was still holding Yibo's wrist made him pull Yibo towards him until Yibo's face crashed into his chest hard enough.

"Uh..." shouts Yibo, who was no less surprised by Zhan's reaction, somehow doubted the state of his face now after crashing into Zhan's chest. He could even feel his nose aching.

"Ah, Bo-di. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just shocked by what happened," said Zhan, leaving his wrist.

Both of his hands were on Yibo's face making sure that nothing happened to Yibo's face while Yibo was just speechless getting that kind of treatment from Zhan. Zhan saw Yibo's nose turning slightly red intended to touch him but Yibo immediately dismissed it.

"I'm okay, the food is almost cold. Let's eat quickly," Yibo said briefly while sliding away from Zhan.

"But your nose-" Said Zhan, and was about to approach Yibo but the younger immediately looked at him sharply.

"It doesn't hurt," Yibo said, lying to Zhan, actually he still feels pain in his nose. He tried not to touch his nose which he believed was still red so that Zhan would stop acting too over.

" Are you sure?" Zhan asked. Yibo only nodded and then sat next to him.

"What happened, exactly?" Zhan asked when Yibo handed him a bowl of rice. He was really curious as to why Yibo could be so close to him that he remembered dreaming of a beautiful woman but after chasing her she disappeared.

"Don't talk while eating," Yibo said, spooning rice into his mouth. Zhan scowled in annoyance while stuffing a large spoonful of rice.

They finished their food quickly as usual without speaking. And as usual Zhan will praise how Yibo is cooking without getting any reply from Yibo. But when they were both about to clean up the plates, Zhan suddenly shouted while pointing at Yibo.

"Bo-di. Your nose" Zhan looked at Yibo with horror. Upon hearing that, Yibo immediately touched his nose and felt the liquid coming out of his nose. He panicked a little and immediately looked at his hand and saw the red liquid adorning his finger.

"You're bleeding," Zhan said with a worried tone, looking at Yibo who was staring at his hand blankly.

It was finally Zhan who cleaned all their food scraps and washed all the things that Yibo used to cook while Yibo was still sitting quietly staring at the hands that Zhan had cleaned after treating his nose and stuffed cotton in it. When Zhan finished washing, he immediately went to Yibo.

" Are you okay?" Zhan asked, Yibo looked at him with a scared look.

"Blood.. Afraid.. Medicine.." Said Yibo in a trembling tone, Zhan looked at Yibo worriedly. But he tried to conclude if Yibo was afraid of blood and he had to take medicine to calm himself.

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