"How did it go with the Tomlinsons?" said Ryan Reynolds by way of greeting.

"How do you think?" Zayn muttered, resting the phone on his shoulder while shuffling through the floor plans of the centre he'd just inspected, "The DNA sealed it. And now I have a walking, talking Tomlinson's billboard to keep tabs on me." He eased back in his seat, and the leather squeaked in protest.

"Is she cute?"

"Ermm... it's not a she."

"Okay then, is he cute?"

"Does it matter?" Zayn scowled.

"Which means he is."


"A guy needs to know these things."

The tension in Zayn's shoulders relaxed an inch. "Right. You're getting soft in your old age, mate," he drawled, his attention fixed out of the window.

"There's more to life than making money."

"Ahh, another piece of Reynolds-wisdom. Next, you'll be telling me 'all you need is love.'"

"Maybe all you need is your pretty little Tomlinson's billboard."

Zayn snorted. "Forgotten Perrie, have you?"

"Everyone else has. But hey, if you're happy dragging around the baggage around with you-"

"I don't have baggage."

"Right." Ryan's frustration crackled down the line. "Geneva, your stepdad, all those shitty little towns you grew up in, you've got a whole bloody wardrobe, mate."

"Yeah, thanks for that." Zayn screwed up his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. "While I have you here, is there any way of tracking down that missing Tomlinson Lotus Bracelet?"

"I'll get into it straight after I finish building my time machine."


"Geoff Payne... already... me... it."

Zayn frowned. "You're breaking up."

The line went dead with a soft curse, and Zayn hung up. Suddenly restless, he rose to his feet and walked few metres down the plane to where Harry was now studiously scribbling on a spreadsheet.

When he approached Harry glanced up and quickly shoved the folder aside, but not before Zayn caught the heading on the top. Finances.

"A bit early for your tax return," he said mildly, and leaned against the back of the seat, crossing his arms.

"I like to get on top of things." Harry met his eyes almost defiantly and changed the subject. "I've been organising your schedule," he said, catching Zayn off-guard. "You've got four o'clock meeting with Charlotte, and I've asked our department heads for their last quarterly reports." Harry offered some papers to Zayn. "I printed out the corporate structure, along with the contact details of key Tomlinson personnel. After five I'll give you a proper tour of the building."

Zayn stood there, filling the space too well, looking far too comfortable, Harry thought with embarrassment. When Zayn leaned in to take the documents, awareness hit Harry all too suddenly. He smelled warm, musky and expensive. He smelled wonderful.

Harry stealthily glanced at his watch, trying to hide his nervousness, but Zayn caught him.

"Would you like to join me for lunch?"

His mild question hung in the air but, Harry swore he could see a faint flash of challenge in his eyes. Ruthlessly, Harry dismissed a stab of desire. "No, thank you."

♥ HOW MUCH FOR AN HEIR'S HEART? - ZARRY ♥Where stories live. Discover now