Carson's Run in

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  Carson was running to school, he had to. He missed the bus because his mother just had to hug him before he left. He had to miss the bus today of all days. Why is today so important, because there was going to be a new student in his class and he wants to make a good impression.

"Nooo, I will not be late, I'll make it on time right? I only live 13 minutes walk away from the school and it's... 10 minutes till school starts. In even running this morning, the worst that might come from this is that the new kid should think I'm a slacker." Carson thought a bit too soon.

He tripped and crashed into someone wearing his school's uniform, a girl's uniform. Carson reacted quickly and moved the fellow student on top of him so he'd take the fall.

"Uhnnng" Carson said in pain closing his eyes shut.

He fell on the cement sidewalk and scraped his knee. He felt the girl move off him swiftly and sit next to him.

"Are you okay! Do I need to get a doctor or an ambulance! Do I need t-" The girl was cut off by Carson.

"No, I'm fine. Just a scratch, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You took the fall for me. Thank you for that." She said in a relieved and now calm voice.

She had long dark brown hair that reached all the way to her hips and slightly dark hazel eyes along with freckles on her pale skin. She also had braces that traced her teeth with purple bands around every tooth. Completely different from Carson with bleached blond hair, blue eyes, and dark skin. He did occasionally put earrings on when he felt like it.

"What's your name? My name is Carson!" Carson said, breaking the silence that felt like an eternity.

" Gwen, my name is Gwen. I'm new to the school so could you show me the way please, I got lost and realized I only had around 11 minutes last time I checked." The girl spoke with the slight hint of nervesness.

That reminded Carson. "SCHOOL! we're going to be late!" He screamed.

They both scrambled to get their things together and ran to school. They made it 2 minutes before school is supposed to start and started to calm down.

"Phew, we made it!" Gwen said enthusiastically.

"Yaay, we ran for our lives!" Carson said with relief and slight sarcasm.

"Hey dude, that the new girl?" said one of the two kids walking towards them.

"Oh, this is Kyle and Norah. They are my friend." Carson said first pointing your the one that talked to the quite girl.

"I'm Gwen. I hope we can become friends to."

"Us also!" The two replied back.

"Students take your seats we have a new member to our class, please introduce yourself."

"My name is Gwen, Gwen Weddington and I hope we can all get along. I like taking hikes through the woods and reading scary stories."

.............Then it began.......

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