“Oh great, you have got some little friend to save you.” The Josh guy shouted at Jet. I was about to go and help her when he swung a punch at her. I stopped. Who does that to people these days? Jet screamed out in pain as the fist hit her square in the cheek. I ran forward pulling the guy off her.

“What the hell man?! You don’t do that!” I screamed at him. I had just met Jet a few hours ago but she was a friend and I was going to protect her. I pulled Josh on to his feet and slammed him against a tree. My arm went under his chin, pinning his body down.

“Get off me!” Josh spat. I shook my head and smiled at him sarcastically.

“Now why would I do that when you hit my friend and was going to rape her?” I pointed out to him. Jet moaned in the background.

“David leave him.” She whispered. What? Was she crazy? I turned and looked at her. Josh struggled and laughed at me. No one really laughs at me.

“What you laughing at?” I snarled at him.

“Hmm nothing!” He spat. My anger built up and I went in a blind rage, which ended up in him having a broken nose, so yeah. Josh ran off back to his bus I presumed. I was about to go after him when Jet stopped me.

“Leave him, you’ve done enough. Thank you.” She came and hugged me. Her cheek had started to form a bruise. I hugged her back. She didn’t need that guy.

“You gonna be alright?” I asked, worried about her.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I now know who to go to.” She smiled, seeming ok about what had just happened. Even though you could tell she was shaken up about it. Jet kissed my cheek and walked out the woods.

Ellie’s POV-

It had been about 3 weeks since I got out the hospital. Nothing at all interesting had happened really. Just the usual get up early, go do some signing, interviews, play your show, more interviews and signings. But I knew that in a few days it was about to change. The day Bree died. Still now I get emotional over it. Luckily that day we had a day off, so I could be as moody and as lazy as I wanted to be. After I got out of hospital I said I was going to see Kellin. That never happened. We have both been too busy and it has upset me multiple times. In a few days I’m gonna see him even if it’s just for lunch. We need to make the time. Every time I thought about him, I felt something towards him. I knew last year I said I didn’t but now that’s changed and I don’t know why.

We were on our way to our next venue; I didn’t actually know where we were going. I’ve lost track. Being on tour you go places and then most of the time, well for me, you can’t really remember where you were playing. I laughed to myself. The most memorable night of the whole tour so far was Jack Barakat’s birthday party in Las Vegas. I can’t really remember much of it as nearly everyone was drunk out of their minds. I remember strip bowling, a lot of poker games, limo party, strippers, and something happened with Austlan. They got married or something. As I said things are extremely hazy. That was a night I remember very well… well, the parts I can. That was a great night. I bonded with bands like You Me At Six more. Anyway enough about that. Sean and Jake had insisted that we watched District 9. It is actually a pretty original film and is very good.

“Ellie, do you want a drink?” Bekka asked, obviously not as interested at the film as I was. I looked at her.

“Yeah sure. I’ll come get it.” She stood up and I followed her. I grabbed a cider out the fridge. “Hey guys you want a beer?” I shouted to the back.

“Yes please!” They said in sync. I laughed and grabbed them some beer. I threw it back to them. “Thank you!” Jake called.

“So Bekka, how’s things with you and Mike?” I asked her sliding on to the counter. She shrugged and opened her cider. She also didn’t like beer. They hadn’t really talked for a few days and as I said they have their ups and downs too. She sighed and got some crisps out.

“Well, we haven’t spoken for a while still. He hasn’t called me. I try Ellie I really do but he never answers.” I gave her sympathetic look. I felt sorry for her. They were so good together. If anything happened between them…

“Hey, I’m sure it’s just because Warped is so hectic and-“Bekka stopped me mid-sentence.

“How do you and Jaime do it then? You seem fine.” She ate each crisp at a time. I shrugged and grabbed one out the bag. She laughed and slapped my arm.

“I don’t actually know, just keep trying and I’m sure you are not the problem.” I replied after finishing my crisp. Bekka sighed and offered me more. How can you not deny crisps? I willingly took a handful. I had to admit I wasn’t very good at giving relationship advice but my relationship seemed pretty stable right now. I shrugged to myself. “So you going to the party in a few days?” I asked Bekka. “Pure bonding time for you and MikeyWhiskeyHands.” She smiled at this. Mike had a rapping career thing on the side. It was pretty good to be honest.

“Yeh, I will, I mean I will get Mike to talk to me today or whenever.” She said looking outside. I laughed and high fived her. I sniggered again. Bekka looked at me, confused.

“Sorry, I-I just- I just had a mental picture.” I said, still laughing. Bekka looked at me like I was crazy.

“What? You’re crazy!” She said, chuckling a little. Bekka had changed her hair from last year, well it was still the same colour brown on the top but black underneath. Mine was similar, black, with blonde streaks, on top, red on the bottom. When you put your hair up it looks so cool! Sorry I digress.

“It was of you and Mike having a drum duel.” She sniggered a little and took a swig of cider.

“How’s that funny, we are drummers.” Bekka said smiling. I shrugged, getting another cider for me.

“I don’t know, just was funny in my mind.” I said to her. Bekka’s phone started break dancing on the counter. It made a funny sound. I giggled, sounding like a small kid. Wow, the alcohol had already started to affect me. Bekka took my cider off me. I stuck out my bottom lip. She smiled and picked up her phone.

“It’s Mike!” She whispered, pointing at phone. I think the alcohol had got to her too. “Heyyyyy…” Bekka said stretching the word. She smiled. I waved her off as she went to her bunk.

“Hey Ellie, could you grab us another beer?” Sean called.

“Yeh sure!” I chirped back. I got two more beers out and wandered back in. I was going to sit down but my butt missed the seat so I ended up on the floor in drunken hysterics. Jake stole my cider and placed it on the table where I couldn’t reach. I accepted it and shut my eyes, feeling my hangover starting after two ciders, damn.

~ I will be uploading the One Shots, but I only have two so far, so yeha get your requests in please! I will find you and Pantera you if you do not. I'm joking.... Maybe. Anyway lil' bit of YMAS I thought, just a small gif..... Love Y'all!~

You Told Me Think About It (Pierce The Veil & Of Mice & Men Fanfic) SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now