Feng Yu Heng went with the flow and said: “Imperial concubine mother understands Father Emperor the best.”

“That’s right. I am the one who understands him the best.” Imperial Concubine Yun was a chatterbox who would not stop talking once she started, and she said to Feng Yu Heng: “On the day that you guys got married in the South, I invited him into Winter Moon Palace. Starting from that moment, he eats all three of his meals in my palace, but I definitely do not believe that he no longer takes me seriously because he managed to overcome some hardships with me. Xuan Zhan is a pretty good man. Although I have refused to see him for the past 20 years, I will still use these sorts of words to describe him. Everyone says that a couple is connected at heart. Although we have not seen each other after that incident, I could clearly feel that something is off with him. It’s not that he’s been threatened by someone. Instead, it’s more like being possessed. It’s as though he’s being controlled by someone…” She pondered for a while then pointed at her own head, “Here! A-Heng, do you understand? I feel that Xuan Zhan’s this place has been controlled by someone else. It’s such that he became what he is currently like.”

Imperial Concubine Yun’s words served as a reminder to Feng Yu Heng. Although she had considered the idea of Xuan Zhan being controlled, in this sort of era, she could not think of any methods that could be used to control another person’s mind to the point that they would completely change.

She brought up this problem, and Imperial Concubine Yun fell into deep contemplation; however, the two had reached a consensus that the Emperor had been controlled. Seeing that they were unable to figure out how he was being controlled after a period of thought, Feng Yu Heng said to Imperial Concubine Yun: “Since we have determined that this is not Father Emperor’s intention, there’s no need for imperial concubine mother to feel hurt or saddened. It would be better to direct those feelings into energy, and we will think of a way to save Father Emperor.”

Imperial Concubine Yun nodded, slowly saying: “I refuse to meet him, but this does not mean that I do not think of him. Over these past 20 years, every night, if there was a dream, they were all filled with him. Some are from the time we spent barefoot in that residence and some are of him in the Imperial Palace in his imperial robes. When I dreamed of him from our time in that residence, I would smile. If it was a dream of him in his imperial robes, I would be woken by the shock. A-Heng, save him! This country, this world, regardless of whom it is given to in the future, it will definitely be one of his sons. Tell Ming’er that we will not compete. The world outside is far more liberating than the Imperial Palace. Of all the things that could be done, why become the emperor?”

Feng Yu Heng had similar thoughts as Imperial Concubine Yun, but she told Imperial Concubine Yun: “Husband already said that he initially did not want this country, but he could not just watch this country fall into the hands of someone crooked. He needs to help Father Emperor take care of this country and hand it to someone steady. Only then can he be at ease.”

Imperial Concubine Yun did not say anything else. She understood that this was the responsibility of a prince and a subject. It would serve as taking on the work that was handed down through the generations of the Xuan family. She could not advise them to do anything. She just asked Feng Yu Heng to save the Emperor before saying that she would go and rest, sending Feng Yu Heng away.

Returning to the Yu Palace, Feng Yu Heng also had all kinds of thoughts. She desperately thought about what sort of method had been used to control the Emperor. In the era, could it be that there was such a high-level expert and medicine? She only just realized that she had too little of an understanding of this era that she was now living in.

Shen Yi Di Nu (873 to 1073) Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)Where stories live. Discover now