Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


(Evan's surprise breakfast-------->)

After loaning him one of my shirts, I had taken Taylor home and came straight back to my house and took a cold shower. I shivered under the cold deluge of water as I recalled the topic we wound up discussing earlier in the evening.  By the time I had managed to get his enticing body off of my lap and I had made him a cup of coffee and I found myself pouring out the entire story of the dysfunctional mess that was my family. I told him about my whore of a mother who lent her favors out to all takers, and my father who refused to see her for what she was. When she thought she had found someone that was a  better catch than my dear old dad, I was pissed at how easily she had left Ellie and I behind and ran away with the traveling financial planner. It got even worse for me as our father sat there and turned himself into a raging alcoholic. He had turned around and blamed us for her leaving him and not wanting to share his life with him. He had finally blew town leaving  me,  just barely eighteen years old and  in charge of my 13 year old little sister, all for the chasing down the love of his life. A woman who couldn't have stayed  faithful even if you had welded her legs shut.

All that verbal vomit just upchucked out of my mouth like I was in some sort of fucking confessional. I even told him about the one guy I had thought at the time was the one for me. That had turned out to be another painful lesson that those damned  three words didn't mean shit. Dylan had hung around long enough to demand all of my time and attention. He had given me the ultimatum to  either put Ellie in some sort of boarding school or loose him forever. He reasoning was that our parents had left and I needed a life of my own and that she wasn't my responsibility, as if the little shit thought I would choose him over my sister. His ass was tight but it wasn't good enough to make me loose my  mind. Ellie is all I have in this world and vice versa. So it was bye, bye Dylan, and I made sure that the damn door hit him where the sun didn't shine.

It's been a little over ten years since the old man had decided to cut and run, and I have never heard a word from either of them again. Ellie was now getting married, I had managed to keep all the ugliness away from her. I just gave up on my plans of traveling to Italy and touring the Ducati Museum and apprenticing at their factory. I gave up on finding love, nothing good had ever come from it, not for me at least. Taylor had sat there and listened to everything I had to say without judgment. He had leaned over towards me and looked me in the eye and told me that I was wrong. He said that my dreams of traveling were just postponed and not gone. I was still young enough to live that particular dream. He told me that the love my parents had was not the mutually respectful affection that normal healthy human beings feel for each other. He even went on to say that Dylan was a selfish prick and not to base anything emotional on what he said or did during our time together. The little beauty had climbed back onto my lap and kissed so sweetly. Again, I was found battling with myself not to take what he was so innocently offering.

It wouldn't have taken much for me to take over and make him beg me to take him, but I had promised him that I would try the whole dating thing. I promised not to rush him and make him feel like he was just another notch in my belt. Now, I felt like shooting myself for promising all that, but he deserved the special treatment. My life and my thoughts have been consumed with nothing but him since he had driven away and left me that day in the parking lot of his bakery. Taylor had firmly put me in my place in my own house. I had nothing but respect for my gorgeous man. He had high standards for himself and those around him and he wasn't afraid to stick to them. This whole dating routine was going to one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am used just taking what I want and if so called partner didn't want to give it up, fuck them. It was nothing for me to move on to greener pastures, but not with Taylor. He was in a league of his own and a part of me would love to walk away and forget all this relationship bullshit, but the other part of me couldn't do it. I found myself having to be near him, having to smell his unique scent,  having to touch him, and to even hear that sweet little giggle of his any chance I got to do it.

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