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As we were walking to car, to get something to eat, i just kept thinking all about the things I need to get done before class, and I hate to be the one to end this day of fun we're having, but I have a bunch of things I NEED to do. Before I could even think anymore about it Anne interrupted my thoughts,
"Sweetheart, you looked stressed. Is it because of class?" She looked at me thoughtfully, not judging me for being too focused on my classes, and not being present.
"Yes, I'm very nervous about going to a new campus, and trying to figure out where all of my classes are." I answer her truthfully. I just can't get behind while I'm here. It just can't happen.
"Well, we can just head to the house, and you start getting things ready for classes. Does that sounds like a plan? Plus, Harry goes to the same university, so he can help you figure out where all of your classes are. Don't worry Harry and I will always be here to help whenever we can. Isn't that that right Harry?" She looks over at her son, who's playing with phone.
"Yeah, of course Mum. I wouldn't trust these two to navigate by themselves." He says nonchalantly.
"You're so right Harry, my tiny woman brain couldn't handle finding all of my classes, could they?" I jokingly look at him. Winking in the process.
"Oh for sure, you need a man, who's big, strong and tough to help out." He shots back at me. Just as I was wondering where Beth was,
"Geez, you could cut this sexual tension with a knife. Speaking of knives, I'm starving! I would ask if you guys were but it looks like you both are just hungers for each other." She playfully rolls her eyes as my cheeks turn the brightest shade of red.
"Um, yeah, let's go. Beth's right. I'm starving. Anne, what's a good place to eat?" I ask, half me asking because I genuinely wanted to know, but partly because I wanted to change the subject.
"I know just the place." Anne says, feeling the awkwardness in the air.

"Anne, you were so right. This place is good!" Bethany says, while I nod.
"This is place is called Nando's, right?" I look up while shoving another piece of chicken in my mouth. Harry laugh at me, while handing me a napkin.
"You have something right there." He says, while chuckling at me.
"Where? I can't see it or feel it. Obviously." I playfully roll my eyes at him. He reaches across the table, and slowly wipes whatever off of my face. He sits back down in his seat, and for the rest of meal I feel where his hands were on my face.
After we finish eating, we headed back to the house. I was grateful that Anne told Bethany that we couldn't go shopping, because I'm so stressed out. It's already 8, and I have nothing ready.
We finally make it back home, and I immediately head upstairs, while I'm sitting in my room, books scattered everywhere, and at the point of crying I was so overwhelmed. I hear a soft knock on the door.
"Come in." I yell, not wanting to get up from this massive pile I created, and I see those chocolate curls come through the door. I couldn't handle it anymore, and the tears started pouring.
"What's wrong." He looks at me with those beautiful green eyes, and I start crying even more.
"Whatever it is. We can figure it out. What are you looking at? Your schedule? Here let me see it." He takes my schedule out of my hands and takes a look at it.
"At least you're we're smart, and got the best teachers. I mean you can't beat McGuire. He's amazing. His lectures are actually interesting, and then Reagan, she's tough, but fair. She'll actually make you want to learn more. See you'll be fine. Don't worry about anything, and I can tell you've done some of the reading for your English class. You'll be great. Don't stress about it all. You're smart, and everyone will notice." He smiles at me.
"Are you sure? Because I'm not sure about myself right now. I mean look at me right now. I'm literally in tears, and classes haven't even started." I look at him. Being more vulnerable with him than I have been with anyone in a long time. It's scary, but it's also amazing to be able to be so open with someone about how I'm feeling versus always having to be the strong person.

"Well, it's understandable Reece, and if it makes you feel any better, I'm always here. I mean, you are living in my house, and all." He motions to the room, as he smirks at me.

"Thank you, so much Harry. You have no idea how much better I feel about all of this because you're here. Right now. I needed this." I smile at him.
He leans in and wipes the remainder of my tears off of my face. His warm, gentle thumb sending a shock through my body. I don't what take over my movements, but I lean in closer to him, and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. When I pull away and look at him, I'm instantly embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. This is embarrassing. So I guess I'll see you in the morning? Yeah?" I start picking my cuticles, it's a nervous habit I've always done.

"Why are you embarrassed? I mean it's a kids in the cheek. It's not like you tried to shove your tongue down my throat or anything. Relax Reece. You know what? That's my goal for you this term. I'm going to get to relax and have fun. Be spontaneous, and actually act your age. Yeah?" He smiles at me. His dimple showing, and the way he's looking at me is so intoxicating.

"I mean as long as I feel like I have my life together I do have fun, but yeah, sure. I'm down. This semester is going to be about having fun, and exploring who Reece is." I smile back at him, and now I'm more excited for this semester than ever. Especially with someone like Harry by my side.

"Well, cheers to having fun!" He gives me a goofy  grin, and before I realize it, he puts his lips to mine, and it's so much better than what I imagined it would be like. His lips are soft and full. They taste like mint, and something sweet. I deepen the kiss just wanting more of him. He puts me on top him, and he starts running his hands up and down from my waist to right under my butt. I start playing with the curls at the nape of his neck, and gently pull. He must like it because he lets out a soft moan and moves his hands under my shirt. We're kissing and touching each other as if this moment would never happen, so we had to make it last. Just as our lips break apart as he takes my hoodie off of me, Bethany walks in.

"Hey, Reece, do you have any extra— oh, um, well what do we have here?" She says with a smirk.
"Beth, what's up?" My face turns to a tomato as we make eye contact.
"It's not important. Or I mean as important as this." She looks at the both of us. Then, we realize that I'm still on top of him, with only my bra on.
Harry picks me up while handing me my hoodie.
"Well, we class very early, and after excitement I'm ready for bed." Harry Winston at me while grinning.
"Oh my god, y'all just need to fuck and get it over with it." Bethany rolls her eyes at the both of us.

"So, what's up?" I roll my eyes playfully back at her, and we spend the next couple of hours planning out our day, and getting our stuff together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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