London is Calling

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"Reece is so excited! Can you believe that we're actually on the plane? I mean even after that shithead of a TSA agent tried to ruin this?" I laughed at her thinking about the crazy agent that pulled Bethany to the side, and into this tiny room, and basically ripped through her bags, and because she had tried to bring more conditioner than was allowed.
"Yeah, that "shithead" was doing his job because you tried to bring a bunch of conditioner, but I mean, hey, what do I know?" Bethany rolled her eyes at me, and we were taking off.
"Are you never Reece? I know it's your first time flying, but trust me, once we're on the air it'll be like we're not even on the ground." Bethany sent me a reassuring smile that was met by my nervous one.
"I'm fine. Promise. Now just distract me. How's Rachel doing?" I knew if I brought up Rachel she wouldn't stop talking about her.
"She's great. We're great. With her being on the basketball team it was impossible for her to study abroad." She had a sad look. She really must love her. I wouldn't know what love is. I thought I knew at one point, but now I'm not so sure.
"Well I mean Bethers she is one the best our school has, and think about it. Once she's on the WNBA, you'll go on so many trips together it's not even funny. Plus, we get to spend some much needed time together. With you being with Rachel It's feels like I have lent seen you in forever." I smile at her. Being so sincere. I have missed my best friend, but I'm so happy she's finally doing someone that loves her unconditionally, and faithfully.
"You're right, plus we do need to spend some time together. I've missed you so much."
The rest of flight is spent with Bethany sleeping, and me just playing on my iPad my dad got me as a present for the plane ride. Something about how the magazine are terrible, and that my phone wasn't big enough to do any actual reading. My Dad also put all of my textbooks and readings for the semester on it as well, and I was thankful. I got some much needed reading done, after about 6 hours of reading, I was tired. I feel asleep, and the next thing I know Bethany is waking me up.
"Reece, wake up. We're here!" She yells at me. I rub my eyes, and take in my surroundings. I was in love already. We deal with customs, and we meetup with the rest of the group.
"Alright class, welcome to London." Professor cooper says, his hazel eyes look tired, but so excited for this. "So guys it's now, 5:30 am, London time, and our host families have us breakfast waiting. Let's get to moving. We all pile in the passenger van, and as the pairs are dropped off I'm becoming more nervous. I don't know why I thought we'd be in a hotel, but the idea of staying in someone house for the semester is making me nervous.
"Reece, and Bethany. We're here." Professor cooper says as we pull up to a beautiful house. If the inside is as amazing as the outside I think I'll be okay. It almost reminds me of my house back home, but an English feel to it.
"Thanks professor. What time are we suppose to be meeting back up again?" I ask him. I'm so tired I just want to sleep.
"Well, Reece, you can sleep all day if you want" he says with a chuckle. I guess I voiced my thoughts out loud. "Today is just getting to know your host family. You're in good hands Reece. Anne is amazing."
I smile at him, and we exit the van. We're immediately greeted by an extra happy woman.
"Hi, I'm Anne, we have heard so much about you both! We're both excited to have be apart of our family, even if it's only for a term." My tiredness left, and all of a sudden I was ready to face London, and just have the time of my life.
"She's so cute, and British!" Bethany whispers to me.
"Of course she's British. We're in London!" I whisper back. I look over at Bethany, and I see how tired she actually is.
"Well come in, and get settled. I have some tea ready, and breakfast." We walk into the beautiful home to the smell of an amazing breakfast ready for us.
"This is my son, Harry's room. He's still sleeping, he's not much of a morning person. Even for our new guests." She says the last part louder which is met with a groan. I laugh at myself, something me both already have in common. We make our way upstairs, she shows Bethany her room. Which is beautiful, and even has an American flag in it, that makes me laugh. America is the last thing on my mind right now. We go father down the hall, and she shows me my room which is just as beautiful with pictures of her, and who I can only assume to be her son Harry. He looks so young in these pictures. I wonder if he still has those messy curls everywhere. I push the thought aside.
"You can come to breakfast whenever. I'll just head downstairs. It's so nice to have some women in this house for change." Anne says as she winks at me.
"Yeah, I'm excited!" I tell her truthfully. I put my things up in the empty dresser, and hang up my nicer clothes. I go to bathroom, and I look terrible. My eyes are puffy. My curly hair is now nothing but frizz, and my mascara is everywhere. I freshen up, and head downstairs when I see the messy head of curls I had seen in pictures in my room.

Alrighty!! Second chapter! What do we think?? I'm so excited to see where this book takes us! Lmao anyways. Do y'all like longer chapters? Or shorter chapters? Please let me know!!!


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