Chapter 3

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I rolled my eyes, not bothering to move from my spot on my bed staring up at the ceiling. She stormed into my bedroom, door swinging behind her.
"There is a bloody severed arm in the fridge. A BLOODY ARM!! It is LITERALLY bloody! Why the hell do you have that?!"
"I don't really see how it is any of your business, and besides did I not clearly mention not to disturb me?"
"Not like you were doing anything important, when really you should be droids something about that arm!"
"For your information, I was thinking and I think that I'll keep that arm in there I quite like it, and last I checked, it is not your flat, it is mine so I shall so what I want in it and if  I want a head in the refrigerator, I shall put a head in it, now stop bothering me with your childish needs!"
"Please childish needs? Every person needs to eat."
"The average human can survive for 9 weeks without consuming food, I'm sure you'll be just fine without food tonight."
"Are you freaking kidding me?!"
"If it truly bothers you that much, you can just order Chinese or what ever you children are into these days."
"Maybe I will, and I am not a child!"
She stormed out of the room and slammed my door, I couldn't help but have a triumphant smirk plastered on my face. I had to admit, she was unbelievable like me in many ways. Not just in looks but in the way she held herself, confident and strong, like she knew her place, but still had hope believed that she was in charge. She was shy though, neither myself or her mother had that quality. Her mother. I shuttered at the sheer thought of that atrocious woman. I leaned back, closed my eyes letting myself think back to the days where she was in my life. Jennifer asked me out in high school, and mother said that I had to say to her. We went on about four dates total and I can safely say they were some of the worst times of my life. Then came senior year and she thought it would be a good idea to drug and rape me. The result if course being the little girl storming about my flat, whom, even though was a bother right now, I pitted greatly.
In a way, she was a mistake but never would I say that to her to make her feel bad. Before the events that led up to her happened, I was nicer to people and more open. But after, I turned a bit meaner I suppose and was not did not open myself up to people so easily. I made my walls hard to climb so that no one would try.
Rarely did people manage to get inside of my heart, except for John and Mary of course they were so loving and open to begin with.
I didn't realize just how long I was out until a knock on the door disturbed my thoughts. I went to door, and saw a 20-year-old man with two bags for stemming food and a dragon emblem on the front.
"That's will be 15£ sir."
I paid him and went to put the food out on the table. The scent of the meal drag Scarlet out of the room and into the kitchen. She sat down at a chair at the table and began rummaging through the bags.
"I didn't know what you wanted so-"
"I don't eat."
I sat with her after that and watched her, looking for some deduction.
"Are you just going to stare at me like that?"
After that we are in silence until the food is gone. Another knock on the door startled Scarlet as John, Mary, and two-year-old Andrew walked in. She immediately rushed into the bedroom and close the door completely behind her.
"Um Sherlock who the hell was that?!?" I sighed and replied,
"My daughter Scarlet."
"Daughter?!" Mary said in shock as she placed little Andrew on the sofa.
I explain the story to them and watch their faces go from shock, to confused, to excited, to sad.
"So you really have a daughter then... Wow." John said in disbelief.
"Yea her name is Scarlet." I went to the door and knocked softly. Out came that same little girl still in her school uniform.
Thanks for sticking with it I love you guys and girls!
I'll update sooner but if you dm me or comment me some suggestions that would be fantastic.
Peace, NerdGirl

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