Chapter 3 Some Science Fantasy 2/2

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Time didn't shift. Only space did.

Jess grabbed Gus by the hand and led him around Madolche's corner, under the drill of sirens, then entered the cafe. Inside, the coast was quaint and clear, so they pulled up a couple of chairs near the back. Gus required a bit of help planting himself. Eternal confusion was engraved behind his glasses. At first, he stared at nothing, but his pupils eventually touched Jessica on the opposite chair

"What just happened?"

She pressed her index finger to her lips. "Remember?"



He settled into his chair, eyes glazed in space. Eventually, he blinked, and the mental gears seemed to crank once more. "Thanks," he muttered.

"That was a one-time deal, Gustavo."

"How'd you know my real name?"

"I guessed."

"Okay, I won't ask questions." He grabbed his beeper, slid the top half into a touchscreen, and thumbed a quick text. Popular among the retro stylists, and cheaper, the Vice line of phones mimicked classic gadgets but with new-world functionality. For moments thereafter, they sat awkwardly and silently as Jessica mentally calculated the time it'd take to grab her mail. Gus fidgeted when he tried to break the silence."So, like, what do you do?"

Jessica pulled a flip phone out of her jean pocket.

"What is that?" He scowled at the archaic button pad.

"This? It's a  very, very old phone."

"How old?"

"Older than you and your friends combined."

"Dumb. How'd you get it?"

"I'm a secret agent."

"Hah!" But then he thought about it, and his lips straightened. "Forreal?"

"Nope. I work from home."


"What do you do?"

"I'm in high school."

"Tsk. Booming industry. What are the activities and clubs like? How much are the books?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Son of a bitch," she muttered.

"One of our teachers almost made it to the ARL playoffs."

"That's cool. When my teacher made it, she was actually sponsored by Pilot products."

More small talk. Jessica breathed in their surroundings, grey's gradience on smeared graffiti. Nobody had defiled the walls of Madolche's; old suburb graffiti was part of the aesthetic. That and neon, animated cupcakes dancing on the French pastry display. Customers could interact with the screen, browse and place their orders, which Jessica did. She forgot to hit the 'Like' button on the bottom left.

By the time Cindy poked her head through the front door, Jess and Gus were beside a tray of hot mugs. Aaryav and Cameron were not far behind. Hairs out of place, they entered in order, excited by their brush with the police. And as soon as they picked their seats, it was as if they were all friends, Jessica included, throwing fits about their close verdict with the Hellebore Judges Unit. The next few moments were smothered by coffee's heavy aroma and disbelief.

Nearly half an hour later, Jessica had trouble conjuring an excuse to leave. She wanted to be there when Jace's vacuum tube arrived, hopefully, safe and sound. It'd prick her brain even after Darius, Gus, Cindy, and Cameron stood up.

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