Chapter 20 - Back Home

Start from the beginning

The weekend went by way too fast and I found myself wanting to stay longer. But I had a full week ahead of me scheduled for morning classes, so I couldn't really afford to stay and commute back and forth the thirty minute drive.

- Don't worry, if you leave something behind it is saved – my mother told me from the doorway.

- I don't know when I'll have the time to come here again, can't leave anything too important – I responded, folding the last article of clothing and putting it on my bag.

- If you forget something you need, I can just go over and hand it to you – she offered.

Recalling how she forgot three times about our lunch date, I wasn't so sure she would remember to if I asked her. Still, not wanting to bring any of that up and wanting to leave on a good note, I just nodded and closed the suitcase.

- I guess... Now, let's see, how is the weather? – I peek through the curtains of the bedroom and notice the bright sun outside. – Oh, it's too hot for this sweater. I'll change to something else.

Opening my suitcase and taking a lighter shirt, I take off the sweater, wearing a black tank top underneath, and fold it to fit in the already filled suitcase. I had my back turned to my mom, so all I heard was her gasp and admonishing tone as she got closer to me.

- Valentina! What happened? – she was both worried and angry.

- What? – I question, closing back the zip of the bag.

- Your arm, what happened to it? Why didn't you tell me you hurt yourself?

I felt her fingers stroking the back of my left arm and I just frown in utter confusion.

- Mom, what are you talking about? I didn't...

But as I search with my fingers the spot she had touched, I feel it. The bumps on the otherwise smooth squishy flesh of my arm, scar tissue. I had a scar on the back of my arm.

Flashes of repressed memories flood my brain. A deep dense forest, a red wooden door, scary large shadows and cute balls of fur with big eyes, a castle hidden in a mountain, fire magically enveloping me and burning my arms and legs, a hand glowing warm light and healing me. Jet black voluminous hair contrasting with pale skin and sapphire blue eyes. Rose lips that tasted of dreams.

- Emmeric... - the name came out through my frozen lips in a sob, the overwhelming memories coming back at full force.

- What is that, Tina? – I barely heard my mom speak.

In a dash, I was out the door.

I remembered everything. I remembered every single moment I spent in that world with him, how much I loved him, how much it hurt to even think about never seeing him again.

Tears were already running down my face when I got to the entrance of the house, picking my car keys from the hook at the side of the door and rushing to my car with a racing heart and shaking hands. I didn't even realize my parents and siblings were calling to me, concern and confusion expressed on their faces. I just got in the car and drove away.

Not sure how, for I couldn't recall the drive back at all, my mind had almost gone blank with the panic and fear inside of me, I managed to get to the city where I lived. It was already late, the night sky particularly dark. I parked the car and got out ignoring the chills up my spine.

I didn't even had to think about it, my body had automatically taken me here. I run towards the park's path into the woods, only to get past the security rails and start searching the deep dark woods. My brain was only set on one thing, I was determined to find my way back. Back to Emmeric.

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