"Damn, why you acting as if I can't take care of the kids ?"-I asked

"Because maybe you can't. After all you don't even stay with the kids at home, you tend to be out doing whatever the hell you do"-You rolled your eyes

"Whatever & you need to stop rolling them damn eyes at me"-I protested 

"Shut up"-You rolled your eyes again and walked out

"Man fuck you"-I said 

"HEARD THAT !"-You shouted 

Yn's P.O.V

Well today was the perfect day to go shopping so I called Keri if she wanted to come with me and she agreed so we got ourselves ready and headed off to the mall.

"OMG did you see that worker? He was soo cute"-Keri asked as we walked out of American Apparel

"He was alright"-I shrugged 

"Alright ?"-Keri stopped 

"Yeah"-I nodded

"Whatever girl you must be legally blind to think that he was just 'Alright'"-Keri said in quotation marks

"Whatever . Ay can we get sum to eat ? I'm hungry"-I said 

"Whats up with you today and you never eat soo much like this, Yn . What's going on ? I mean you ate atleast 3 or 4 big bags of chips.."-Keri put her free hand on her hip

"You're right. I guess that we can just continue shopping then"-I fake smiled

"Alright & I know you soo well that -- that was a fake smile anyways come one"-Keri dragged me alone into the next store

We continued for at least 2 more hours and it was now 2:39 pm and we were ready to leave, until...

"Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo or another piercing ?"-Keri smirked as she eyed the tattoo parlor / body piercer store across the street

"Oh hell no Keri, I'm ready to leave"-I said putting my bags into the back of the car

"Keri ? .. Keri?"-I asked

I looked over and sawe that she was already across the street and about to enter the store . Oh no. I shut the trunk and locked the car before jogging across the street to go and catch her.

"Keri can we go !"-I said giving her a look that a mother would give their child when they were acting up in public

"No. Sorry about that but hey, I wanted to know if maybe we could get piercings and tattoo's done"-Keri smirked as she gripped into me

"Yeah sure. ID please"-The husky man asked

I honestly didn't want a tattoo nor a piercing done so I hesitated to get out my ID while Keri showed hers to the man, I did afterwards.

"Great. Come over here, I'll show y'all some designs, fonts and paterns"-The husky guy motioned for us to come over 

"Ooh I like that one"-Keri said pointing to a very neat and detailed drawing of a lotus flower

"Me too"-Finally something that we both agreed on but still I was hesitant of getting it done

With a lot of convincing done by both Keri and the tattoo artist, me and Keri got the same tattoo of the lotus flower on our back and underneath was the date when we became best friends, It didn't hurt like I thought it would, it actually sort of tickled. After that, we got some piercings, once again I wasn't really keen on the idea but if I survived through the process of a tattoo then I can surely survive through this. Keri got her belly button pierced and her tragus (right ear) pierced & I got a nose piercing -after all I really did want one since I was a very young teen- and my tongue pierced. Who would have knew that I would be so extreme ? But it was awesome to have taken the risk. We paid the man and left with our new selves.

After all of that we went to Chipotle to go and eat, afterwards, I drove Keri back to her house then made my way back home.

"Chresanto, I'm back !"-I shouted as I walked in with the shopping bags

"Hey, what did you get me ?"-Chresanto walked in with Ari on his hip

"Nothing"-I rolled my eyes 

"Well damn & I never knew that you have a nose piercing"-Chresanto touched his chest 

"I didn't until a few hours ago & this too"-I stuck out my tongue 

"Damn, that tongue ring looks sexy on you"-Chresanto bit his lip 

"I know & I need to show you one more thing"-I smiled and turned around to lift up my top

"Woah why you stripping right here ?"-Chresanto asked

"I'm not stripping fool ! Just look !"-I lifted up the rest of my top so that he could see the tattoo

"Damn Yn. I like that & whats the date under the flower ?"-Chresanto asked

"It's the date that me and Keri became best friends. We both got it in the same place"-I said pulling my shirt down and turning back around

"That's nice"-Chresanto smiled

"I know now help me with my bags"-I said 

"A thank you would be nice"-Chresanto said 

"Thank you"-You fake smiled walked off with some bags

After Chresanto helped me, I called him into the bedroom so that I could give him something.

"Whats up ?"-Chresanto asked 

"Go and look in that box over there"-I pointed to a gift box that was placed on the top draw

"This ?"-Chresanto asked as he took the gift box

"Yes, open it"-I nodded 

"Um, okay ?"-Chresanto said sounding uneasy 

"Well ?"-I asked

"OH SHIT !"-Chresanto exclaimed almost dropping the box

"You like ?"-I asked

"I love ! Thank you soo much Yn"-Chresanto eyed the Gold Armani watch 

"It's alright"-I laughed at stood up to hug him but he kissed me 

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