Chapter 1: curiosity is killing the cat

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(This story will be 3rd pov all the time)

Bendy was done. He was done with sammy. The annoying prophet had pulled the last straw. To explain a bit of the story; Sammy had kept worshipping bendy even when he swore to stop. Bendy broke into Sammy's 'room' saying in a distorted voice "samual! What in hells name made you continue-" he was stopped mid sentence my the sound of choking. Sammy was being choked my Alice. Bendy's tail crashed Alice into a wall, causing her to run away instantly. Sammy was crying. Bendy felt guilty. He started rocking Sammy against his chest, whispering sweet nothings to Sammy. Norman has heard the commotion and walked right in. Bendy quietly hissed a little. Norman walked over. He wrote on the wall 'what happened?' and since bendy was protective right now he whispered back "why do ya wanna know? Wanna tell everyone?" Norman then simply wrote 'I consider him my son so please tell me!' And with that bendy explained. He was still soothing the smaller male, unaware of the fact Sammy was asleep. Norman soon pointed out that the smallest of the 3 was asleep. Bendy nodded carefully getting up. Norman waved goodbye,completely trusting bendy with his 'son' and going to beat the crap outta Alice. Bendy didn't realize sammy was sleep talking till he heard "love youuu" whilst sammy snuggled into bendys chest. He blushed a midnight colour. His thoughts were filled with 'say it back' and 'he loves you too!' but he pushed them back when he had to put Sammy in his 'bed', or better known as a nest of pillows. Sammy wouldn't budge though. He was clinging onto bendy like his life depended on it. Bendy decided to take him to his 'throne room' and sleep there. Bendy was actually tired.

(timeskip to bendy's room)

Bendy carefully collapsed into his own 'nest', minding the inky being clinging onto him. A few minutes of comfortable silence lead bendy to sleeping in a millisecond, still cuddling Sammy. Both unaware alice had spread a little rumour......

(when they woke up)
Bendy woke up looking like he had heat stroke. Sammy woke up and tried to sneak away. Bendy noticed and simply squeaked out "please....don't go..." Sammy froze. He reluctantly walked back. Bendy's smile somehow widened. He gently patted a spot next to him. Sammy silently sat next to him, hoping to not be in trouble. Sammy then blurred out "imsorryimsorryimsorryim-" he was cut off by bendy hugging him. Both blushing a ton. Tom then came in and literally just fanboyed. Allison soon entered, then said "Alice was right? Unexpected that you two would be dating but honestly your too cute-" she joined in on the fangirling mid sentence while the flustered ink creatures froze. After they left bendy got up. Angered, and ready to kill Alice was all he felt. Sammy quickly exclaimed "let me come!" Bendy turned muttering "fine. Stay behind me." Sammy ran after the angered ink demon with a light blush dusting his cheeks.

(when they got to alice)

Alice was crying when they arrived, to their suprise. Allison was also comforting her. Sammy cleared his throat. Alice burst out "i-im sorry. I w-want my bro back-" then she started crying mid sentence. Bendy spoke up "what happened to boris?!?" sammy asked in pure confusion "can you please explain?" allison soon explained bendy, boris and alice are siblings. Parents are unknown. Sammy soon spoke "should we tell tom? I mean i may know that tom likes a certain missing someone..." allison exclaimed "I KNEW MY BRO WAS GAY-" but was cut off by a flustered tom entering, flipping off sammy for telling them. His flustered state came to a abrupt stop. Tom soon ran out and came back with axes. He gave everyone one and showed a piece of paper saying 'i know where he is!' they all sprang up and began following him.

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