1• Midnight Murder

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art by: SybLa on DevianArt
             (Thank you Green 💚💚)

The Straw Hats were having a peaceful dinner. However, peaceful was unusual; only if the captain wasn't there.

Which was the case. Where he currently was? No one knew.

"Ne, Nami," (Y/n) called, seated right across her. The latter, in her plain (f/c) oversized shirt, black shorts and (m/c) rubber slippers, was too concerned for the captain that she barely touched her food.

"Was it really necessary to do this?"

"Of course it is," Nami replied, eating a forkful of Sanji's special spaghetti.


"(Y/n)," Nami sighed, having been through this kind of situation tons of times. "Didn't I tell you about consenting Luffy's actions just because you like him?"

"Ah-Nami!!" she whined, blushing madly with embarrassment. How could she declare that out loud?! And not to mention in front of the whole crew?

Well, the crew knows about it, and Luffy himself was the only one stupid enough to not realize it nor get a hint.

"This is actually the first time he got punished for it," Usopp informed, drinking his glass of orange juice.

"Well that's because we always let the idiot be, making him do the same thing all over again, knowing he'll just get scolded lightly," Sanji added, serving the last dish for dinner and finally taking a seat on the dining table, starting to eat.

"That idiot's our captain," (Y/n) deadpanned.

"And we know that. But this is for the greater good of the crew so, may it be anyone, even our captain...." Nami replied, slowly standing up and lightly slamming her hands on the table. "...we'll discipline him."

The whole crew, save (Y/n), nodded in agreement. (Y/n) just sighed in defeat, continuing her meal the moment Nami did too.

What happened? Well it all began when Sanji took a quick potty break while arranging the leftovers from the day's lunch. Luffy managed to sneak inside of the kitchen, took advantage of the once-in-a-blue-moon chance, ate approximately 75% of the fridge's contents, including the leftovers, just until Sanji hurriedly came back after sensing him with his Observation Haki. The chef beat him up, dragged the captain to the navigator's room, where he got another round of beatings and a grave punishment: no dinner.

Meanwhile, Luffy huddled in Sunny's figurehead, his stomach's loud, hungry growls and the sea waves' sound breaking the deafening silence.

"Man, I'm starving," he whined, patting his stomach in an attempt to calm it down.


Soft snores were the only sounds bouncing off Sunny. The boys slept in their hammocks, and the girls hugged each other in their bed.

But one hammock was undone.

Right after the clock struck midnight, (Y/n) felt the urge to drink a glass of milk. So, as careful as she could be, freed herself from Nami's arms, and tiptoed to the kitchen.

Just when she was about to climb up the stairs, she heard a sound of glass breaking, a thud, and another glass falling.

The noise made her bolt upstairs and into the kitchen door. Cautiously peeking through the glass window, it was unfortunately too dark to see anything. So she slowly opened the door and made her way inside.

It was too dark, and the moonlight wasn't bright enough, so she reached out to turn on the lights.

The first switch she was able to reach out was the light by the fridge. At first, she saw nothing unusual and dropped her alertness.

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