Author's Note

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I've seen many people sharing their thoughts on Wattpad. But I never thought I would end up doing the same. I've faced a lot in my life but every time, I used my brain. My head was in the game. I knew what I was going to do. I had plans and I knew what I wanted. But recently, my head is not in the game. Because whatever is happening, I can't handle them by my brain. Where heart is concerned, brain doesn't fucking listen.

This is not the only reason though.

Due to my addiction to self harm, I've injured myself many times and the last time I did it, I couldn't move my right hand for a couple of days. One of my-- no, my closest friend made me realize something. When I get the urges, that time my head actually keeps bristling with words. She understood that because she once tackled me and with her by my side, I was able to control my urge. She just said, "Bed (short form of my name, Bedatrayee), why don't you just write down whatever that is you're feeling? I get it that you always don't want to share everything and even if you want to, you're not in the position to do so. But you always have your phone with you. If you can't write it down on a paper then use your phone." And I was like, why not? Let's try this!

Sharing my thoughts on Wattpad was completely my own decision though. There are many people out there who are surviving through hell day and night-- and I don't mean that they don't have money to buy food. Mental pain, getting trapped inside your own head, family problem, parental issues, sexual harrasment, depression, heartbreak-- all of the these also can be very effective. Though people older than our age most of the time tend to ignore our problems by saying we're just adolescents and these are not real problems but that's not the truth! Every emotion, every problem is a part of our life, is a part who we were, who we are and especially who we are gonna become. I thought about sharing it here because I want people to know, after all these terrible terrible days, people can still smile.

I don't mean to draw sympathy, I'm being very clear about it. Just sharing some things I can't keep inside myself. If you guys want to read it, you're welcome. If you want to share your own experiences then the comment section is all yours, or you can DM me anytime if you wanna talk.

Thank you very much!

_#Spidey, over and out!! ;-)

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