Chapter 6: Grimm Brawl

Start from the beginning

Coal looked up, but only with his eyes. He had felt something land on his head. While he wasn't sure what it was, sudden movements probably weren't going to fix this situation for him.

"Why is there something on my head?" He grumbled to Krimson, hoping the other at least had some idea of what was going on or happening. Was it a baby Grimm? No, even if it was a baby Grimm, it wouldn't be able to fly that well. Or sound like a normal bird. And it didn't have that Grimm smell.

Krimson laughs "It's my sister, she thinks your head looks like a nice place to rest"

Coal blinked and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Your sister." He said in a very sarcastic, unbelieving tone. It was obviously a bird on his head, he figured that out from the feeling of claws on his scalp. But his partner's sister? They were related to a bird? "Yep my big sister Pip! She's been-" Krimson is suddenly interrupted by pip cawing madly "grimm" Krimson says drawing her bow

Rosa charged up an ink attack, shaking but calming her breathing down.

An ursa runs straight past Rosa and Boudicca, seeming to be on the hunt for something... "See, if you're calm and collected, the Grimm can't sense you. They feed off negativity" Boudicca says.

Rosa shot ink into it's eyes before swinging her roller at it, her shot hits but isn't enough to stop the ursa's charge. "Should we follow it?" Boudicca asks. "y-yeah! Let's go!" Rosa exclaims, "Remember what I just told you" Boudicca grabs a hold of Rosa and starts running.

Coal listened, but he wasn't really paying attention to what the other was saying. But when he heard the word Grimm, he immediately grabbed the ball from his pocket again and changed it into a short sword, holding it with both hands, "Your 'sister' will need to get off my head, unless you want her to be sliced in half." Coal grumbled, moving a little closer to his partner, scanning the area. "Pip" Krimson says holding out her arm to which pip the raven flies onto it. Pip climbs onto her shoulder while Krimson draws an arrow and gets ready.

Coal relaxed when the bird flew from his head, brushing his hair back to get any feathers out of it. He scanned the area still, a deep frown on his face, "Where is it..." He said to himself, turning around in slow circles so he didn't miss a single area. He wouldn't make a fool of himself. An ursa covered in ink and paint appears before Krimson and Coal,

"Come on, we've gotta be close" Akira says to Gene.

Violet and Draco reach a small ruin site filled with podiums, on each one is a card faced down, however it seems a few cards are missing "think this is where we get the relics?" Violet asked.

Coal smirked and stopped, looking at the new Grimm that appeared. He held his short sword tightly, feeling much more relaxed than before, "Finally." He mumbled, not taking his eyes off the beast. Time for some fighting, he could finally show off his skills and show that he didn't need a team. He could survive and surpass on his own. Krimson steps back "big bear" she says pointing her bow at it.

"No shit." He growled back. Seriously, did this person have any training at all? The only thing they decide to say when seeing a Grimm was "big bear"? God, why did he get stuck with the useless ones?

"If you don't want to get hurt, then stay back. You don't look like much of a fighter." Coal rudely says to Krimson.

"I'm not backing out, I've killed many big bears before" Krimson says, releasing an arrow which hits the ursa in the left shoulder. Coal scoffed in disbelief and charged. He brought up his sword, slashing at the Grimm. He wasn't going to give up, he was going to prove how strong he was and how he could handle things himself. He didn't need a team, and he didn't need a useless partner.

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