"We know you like talking a lot. But if you are not part of us, why are you even here?", the relaxed voice asked.
The old man's voice got blunter without a hint of irony as he replied, "I should be asking you that. This is my home. I live here. In fact, by interrupting my sleep. I am considering telling the goddesses your plans. Could you guys maybe just leave and find a different evil hideout?"
"Wait? you live here? But that can't be possible. Only spirits should be here. And even then, the spirits need to be strong enough to communicate.", the relaxed voice questioned him.

"Oh? It seems like you are figuring something out. Either way. I am on no one's side. I simply like to inform people of myths that I know can become truth. The moment I come across a goddess, I have no problem telling them a story, whether it is a method to defeat the God of Death, or about the myth itself. Right now, I am informing you four the most, because I know you will accelerate the process. The keys are born naturally of course.", the old man told them.

"Well, anyway. We need to stop wasting time and work together to kill the keys. There should be four of them by now.", the relaxed voice changed the subject.
"Now, that is not correct anymore. One of them has already been killed...", when the villainess was talking, a green flame moved towards her and lit her surroundings.

She was revealed to the others with a smug smirk on her face. Her skin was pure white, her eyes had the color of blood. She didn't really wear an outfit, just random pieces of black cloth around some of her body. There was some jewelry on her hands and legs. She had this weird mantle on her back, with magic, she could expand it so that she can be covered by it. On top of her silver-haired head, she wore an oversized witch hat. Some of the spikes from her hair went through the hat. Other than that, the underside of her hair was long and flowing.

"I can't believe that. They should be highly secured by their older sisters. How can one already be dead...And you want to tell me you did this, don't you? Like I can believe that.", the relaxed voice stopped argued against her.
A lot of strange noises came from the other corner. A green flame moved over there, revealing the owner of the cold voice.

It looked like a guy who leaned over a desk like an animal. There was half of a human-face that looked like a stone face of a statue, attached to the side of that half of a head was a flat robot head with a singular eye.
"She isn't lying. Not just one. But two of them are no longer a part of this realm. According to my data. Their life signals have faded.", the robot thing told them.
The smug witch giggled and said, "Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it in my head how she was when she died. I can just not envision the agony she must've felt when she was all alone against hundreds of monsters. With no one wanting to help her."

"You were critical of us, weren't you? But the old lady has already killed one of them. You were able to target two, and you came up with nothing?", the rough voice both mocked him, but also had a bit of anger in its town.
"And you killed the other one, I presume?", the relaxed voice asked.
"Now. I didn't really do anything. I thought to have finally found a worthy opponent. But instead, she just ran into an exploding factory.", he replied in a trivial voice.

"His point is correct, Red Ring. I have been chasing another key away so that we can make this plan work. To other two have killed their keys. What about you? You couldn't kill either of them, despite all the opportunities. Yet you criticize the rest? That is illogical. Not only that, according to my data on social studies, you behaved quite disgustingly. People would call you a lolicon, the lowest of low.", the robot told him.

"Hmph. That was only one of my seven forms of nightmares. It's a body made of dead animals, and thus, weaker. Also, my personality changes completely when in such body. I have no interest in little girls. That only seems to happen when I mixture something with tentacles in the bio fusion.", Red Ring answered him, at the same time, a green fire was floating about around him. Revealing shirtless man with a heavily wounded chest.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: Third Sister; Light, Volume 1: BirthWhere stories live. Discover now