Benvenuti a Napoli!

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The bus drove faster as the green light appeared up front, racing the other vehicles in the almost jammed streets of Naples.
Engines and the sound of moving tires rang trough the humid and musky summer air trapped inside.

  Few people were in, scattered around trough out the bus: an elderly man right in front, all slim, with very light clothing and foot wear, wiping his forehead every few seconds with a navy blue handkerchief; two young teenage boys a bit further back, breathing on the window using the humid surface as a drawing paper, and close to them a few other commuters coming back from a long day of work.

Just as unbothered as the others was a young female sitting at a window seat right in the middle. She looked fresh into her adulthood, wearing a light and white blouse, embrodied with beautiful red, blue and black flowers sawn into it. This accompanied by a long white skirt that came up her ankles which seemed made out of flax which complemented her smooth tan skin and green eyes. Her long curly locks were tightened up in a pony tail, with a few loose baby hairs sticking to her forehead. She had a small suitcase with her along with some earphones and an mp3 from which she listened to music.

She wasn't paying much attention around her as her eyes were far more focused with the view outside rather than the hot bus.

A while had passed and the bus was nearing its final destination. The old man was the last to get out, leaving the young foreigner alone with the bus driver. This wasn't something she picked on as she kept her attention out the window. The greenery outside swayed gracefuly to the rythm of the wind captivating the beautiful lady. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut, being calmed by the simplistic view which led to her falling into a light nap.

A honk rang loudly scaring the young lady and making her hit her head on the window. She whinced and rubbed the sore spot gently.

"This is the last stop, miss! Come one, get out!" a very grudgey voice spoke loudly with a very sharp italian.

Altough, the young female understood enough to do as she was told.  She put her ear buds and mp3 in the poket of her skirt, quickly lifted her suitcase and got out.

A loud sigh came out of her mouth as she was directly hit with the agonizingly hot summer air of Napoli. The bus drove of. Out of her case she took her big straw hat and put it on her head in order to avoid getting any unwanted nausea.

Befoure going anyfurther, she took out of her pockets a small map of the city, all covered in marker-made signs and directions. She inspected the piece of hard paper carefuly. After finding the satisfactory infomation need, she put it back, took her belongings and went further up the road.

That part of the city seemed to be fairly empty, with only a few people roaming around the streets. But again that must have been because it was noon already. Realising that, the miss tought a bit about stoping by somewhere to grab a bite. Plus, she needed water asap as she wasn't careful enough to bring herself more.

Remembering the image of the map, she turned right the corner looking for the closest place appropriate for her needs. 10 minutes passed, which felt like an eternity to her, until she found herself facing a rather nice looking restaurant.

"Libeccio, huh?" her soft lips murmured the name largly written above the entrance.

Without second thought, she entered the restaurant, welcomed by a pleasent chilly breez.

" Buon giorno, segnorina! How may I be of assistance?" a tall, well groomed waiter showed himself before her with a kind smile plastered on his face, taking a chance at trying to speak a bit of english. Being that the lady did look a lot like a tourist from another country.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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