The day he fully awoke was a confusing day. His skin was freezing, the beeping was persistent, and his eyes were flashing, until his eyes flashed longer than expected. Suddenly, he didn't know how, but he jerked upwards in his bed. His black hair flew back upon his jerky action. He felt his body. It was a strange feeling, peculiar, being able to control something that he had only been able to feel for such a long time.

His eyes still adjusting, he felt his right arm pick up and touch his face. Upon feeling his face he frowned. They were several bumps and indents in his skin. As his eyes adjusted more and more, he could finally see his surroundings. He was lying in a hospital bed with a light blue and white checkered dress on. (He didn't bother checking what was on underneath, though a later inspection revealed that the nurses who dressed him thankfully left his boxers on). The sheets on the bed were tousled slightly from his jerky awakening. They were a sickening color of white and were extremely rough to the touch. He didn't bother to linger on any of his other surroundings. There was basically nothing to see. To his left was a giant medical device where the beeping seemed to have been emanating. In front of him was a door that had a black sheet covering the window. It also had a counter-top of which had a blue chair next to it. There wasn't anything to the right of him that piqued his interest.

He directed his gaze towards his arms, which he immediately took notice of the dozens of scars on them. Some of them, the more vague ones, one washed away by time, he recognized as his old self-harm marks. But his self-harm marks paled in comparison to the dozens of newer, darker scars that littered his arms (He would later find out that these scars covered his entire body, with the most of them being all over his face, as if he had extreme acne.)

He slowly slumped back and sighed. He had no idea where he was or why he was there. His last memory was in some boiler room assembling something. He was probably helping his dad assemble a bomb to destroy some building that had lost it license. Whatever had happened, it had somehow landed him in this hospital.

JD thought more intensely. He could remember his name. He could remember his dad. He could remember moving over 14 times to 14 different states. He could remember moving into his house in Sherwood, Ohio. He could remember his first day of school. He could vaguely remember a girl sneaking into his room at night. After all of that, it was mostly dark. Like he had somehow forgotten the past three months of his life. He remembered vague tidbits of some girl in a blue blazer. He had no idea who she was though but the way she kept appearing told him that she was important. He just simply couldn't figure out who she was, as if his mind had repressed any memories of who this girl was.

The opening of the door jarred JD out of his thoughts. Coming through it was a girl who had black hair and tan skin. She wore a short sleeved purple shirt and similar purple bottoms. Her hair was held back in a ponytail. She held out a clipboard out in front of her and was currently jotting something down. She wedged herself between the doorway and the door and finished writing down what she needed to before looking up and locking eyes with JD.

"Oh, you're finally awake." She nodded to herself before writing something else down. "Hold on, let me go inform the doctor about this, then I'll be back to check your vitals, alright?" The door slammed shut before JD even got the chance to croak out an answer.

He didn't have to wait for long before the door opened once again. The nurse from before held open the door for the doctor. The doctor was a male with short, shaggy brown hair and fairly tan skin who peeked his head around the door frame's corner. He fully stepped into JD's view. He had on attire similar to the nurse, however his top was covered by a white jacket.

"Hey." The doctor smiled at JD. JD didn't know why, but something about the doctor's smile felt awfully ingenuine, as if he was forcing it just to make JD feel better. The doctor fully walked in the room. He and the nurse exchanged nods and the nurse quickly darted out of the room. The doctor pulled the chair from next to the counter closer to the bed. He placed himself down carefully, crossed his legs, and gave JD another weirdly ingenuine smile. "My name is Doctor Tozier."

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