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Three weeks...it had been 3 FUCKING WEEKS since his encounter with Alastor. Angel had no idea what to do with himself. It's as if he were going through withdrawals. Like that shadow had fucked drugs, the good kind, right into his system and now he was addicted. Not much of a surprise considering his personality and previous experience with hard drugs. But this kind.... this was worse than anything he had previously experience shooting up, snorting, injecting or anything like that. At least with drugs he could obtain them whenever he wanted; but not only had he not had sex with anyone but he had not seen hide nor hair of the radio demon since their encounter. As a matter of fact, no one had. Charlie and Vaggie had been doing their best to drum up more business for the hotel, but without the intimidating "encouragement" of their snappily dressed friend...they were at a loss for gaining new clientele.

"Angel," he looked over in the direction of the voice, it was Charlie, "have you seen Alastor? We haven't seen him in a while and the last person to see him was you... he was cleaning the lobby last you saw him, correct?"

Angel's face grew somber and flushed.

"No Charles, I ain't seen 'em in a while." His eye's flicked side to side, realizing how sad he sounded, "and why would I have?! I ain't his keepah." He crossed his lower set of arms across his stomach and his upper ones went to fix his hair and fluff up his chest.

"Okay, okay," she threw her hands up defensively and a bead of sweat rolled down her face, "sorry I asked." Charlie turned to walk away and as she turned Angel saw Vaggie next to the reception desk. She gestured to him with two fingers from her eyes, then pointing at him, the universal "I'm watchin' you" gesture. He knew she hated it when he yelled at Charlie but she let it slide, since Charlie backed off so fast.

So here he was, flustered, horny and worst of all.... SOBER.

"Where could that asshole have gone to?" confused and dejected by his red demon daddies' absence, he decided to get a drink. He sauntered past Niffty who was doing her usual excited clean up duties, Charlie and Vaggie were looking up something on the internet in the manager's office, then finally he reached the bar. There was Husk, standing; more like slouching, at his post.

"Looks like ya got a hangover, sugah." Angel leaned against the bar, making sure his chest fluff was prominent in Husks face. Husk looked up to Angel's smug grin while blinking one eye at a time.

"Ya can't get a hangover if you're always drunk, ya fruit cake." He grumbled as he lifted his head and tapped the bottom of his bottle to the counter a few times. "The fuck do ya want?"

"Now now, I'm a patron of this fine establishment," gesturing his hands around the room as he stood up and pushed his pelvis forward in an uncomfortable looking stance, "you should be treating me with a little more respect than that, hmmm?" Angel smirked.

Husk rolled his eyes and smoothed out his fur, then made eye contact with Angel.

"What can I get you......SIR." He growled at the last word.

"That's more like it. But you can call me "sexy" if you like." Giving Husk a wink. "I'll take the fruitiest, most alcohol filled drink ya got sugah."

Husk nodded and turned around to his selection and started to mix things up for Angel. His wings were fluffed up and his tail was twitching in irritation, actually having to work for once.

"Sooooooo," Angel began, taking a seat at the bar and leaning over it, boob fluff lying on his arm, "What's the deal with you and the strawberry pimp? Ya make a deal with the guy or somethin'?" he questioned the cat, while tapping his fingers and waiting for his drink.

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