villanelle: "Villain-elle"

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villanelle: "Villain-elle"

I don't know who I'll be from day to day,

A world-beater or a hapless lamb.

I always feel like this when I'm this way.

I limit my remarks to pleasantries

For fear you'll find out who I really am.

I don't know who I'll be from day to day.

I smile on cue, take pains to meet your gaze,

The better to perpetuate the scam.

I always feel like this when I'm this way.

I must be good else I incur the lash.

Thus my authentic self becomes a sham.

I don't know who I'll be from day to day.

Despite my pains, the lash comes anyway.

He tells me I should take it like a man.

I always feel like this when I'm this way.

There is no there there, Gertrude Stein would say.

I'm loved for what I do, not who I am.

I don't know who I'll be from day to day.

I always feel like this when I'm this way.

Lay of the Land: Competitor Entry for 2012 AttysWhere stories live. Discover now