y/n: WHAT?!
kairi: yeah
y/n: he- wha- HUH
alvaro: what?
y/n: he has a little brother?? how come i never knew??
roshuan: he'll probably explain to you after school. it's not really a story we should tell. i mean, it's nothing bad, it's just more of his place to tell.

you were shocked.

💭 i guess i just have more secrets of his to find out.... i mean, not that it's really a secret. it shouldn't have been. i'm confused. 💭

after school you dashed out the doors and to mattias house. you were confused but excited at the same time. thoughts raced your mind as you walked home to mattias. what did he look like? how and why didn't you know? what was the reason? was it even true that he had a little brother? you knocked on the door. the door opened to reveal a panting mattia.

y/n: uhhh
mattia: hey y/n- OW

you heard laughter. mattia greeted you and brought you inside. he then turned around and picked up a little boy and threw him over his shoulders. you saw the little boy panting as well. they were probably playing tag or something.

y/n: umm.... explain?! i'm so- WHAT
luca: is that y/n?
mattia: yes
y/n: hello? what's going on? it's been like 4 months and i didn't know bout no little brother.

mattia told his little brother to go to his room real quick.

mattia: ok, i know, but it wasn't something my family was proud of. or me. my family was going through some things, and issues. so my grandparents thought it was best for luca to go live with them for a little until we got back on track.

made sense.

y/n: if you don't mind me asking, what issues?
mattia: mainly financial issues and other stuff. but we're back on track, and better than ever. so, he came home.
y/n: how long has he been gone?
mattia: he left 3 days before you moved in.
y/n: oh. well, y/s/n will be glad to hear this. he won't have to third wheel whenever we all hangout. which is rarely but still.
mattia: oh yeah huh.

luca came downstairs.

luca: can i come downstairs now?
mattia: you already came downstairs so why'd you ask?

you laughed.

y/n: hi, i'm y/n.
luca: oh are you and my brother dating?
mattia: yes, yes we are. you still up for some frozen yogurt?
luca: yeah!
y/n: i want some 🥺
mattia: now i gotta babysit two babies

luca: hey!
y/n: hey!

you both exclaimed at the same time.

mattia: just kidding puta

he said kissing your head

luca: gross
mattia: her little brother dealt with us, so now you have to.
luca: oh cool, you have a little brother?
y/n: yeah, i'm sure you two would get along.
luca: yeah

you all got in mattias car and drove to yogurt land. you did your homework while eating your yogurt.

mattia: wait we had math homework?
y/n: yeah, page 12 in the packet.
mattia: ahh fuck.
luca: imagine having homework
mattia: shut up you're going to be enrolled into school soon so don't even start
y/n: what school?

you found out he was going to be going to the same school as your little brother.

y/n: doubleee troubleee
luca: you and mattia are the double trouble

he definitely had mattia attitude.

y/n: except we are more mature
luca: says who?
y/n: says me
luca: bruh
y/n: brUh

mattia snuck some of your yogurt. you pulled your yogurt back.

y/n: hey hey hey this is my yogurt
mattia: bitch i payed for you
y/n: hm, true.

you said allowing him to have some.

mattia: and you

he said taking some of luca's yogurt.

luca: you already ate all of yours and now you're still trying to eat ours?
mattia: si
y/n: fatass
mattia: fuck you
y/n: just kiddinggg, love you
mattia: mhmmm love you too

after you guys finished your yogurts you guys left for home.

y/n: dude that's crazy
mattia: huh

mattia was steering the wheel with his left hand, and holding your hand with his right hand. fingers interlocked.

y/n: that you have a little brother
mattia: you have a little brother
y/n: ok, yeah, but you been knew. it's like, surprising to me, you know?
mattia: that i have a little brother?
y/n: you know what i mean
mattia: yeah yeah

he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. you guys arrived at home.

mattia: say bye luca
luca: bye y/n
y/n: bye luca

mattia kissed you. his kisses were so great. you loved his lips. you left to go to your house.

luca: she lives right there?!

you heard mattia laugh as they entered the house. a while later your parents arrived home with y/s/n.

mom: ugh i'm so tired. what time is it?

your phone was charging so you checked the clock and told her it was 6:25.

mom: wait, what?!

you double checked.

y/n: oh wait never mind, it's 5:25.
dad: are you serious? are you fucking stupid?
mom: you're in high school and you don't know how to tell time? that's sad.

you didn't wanna deal with their bullshit.

y/n: yeah you're right

you went upstairs. you grabbed the stuffed bear mattia got you and cuddled with it.

mattia polibio: my boyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt