Sister Claire! And more

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So there was this lady named Catharine and she had a little sister named Clementine. Her sister had a cat named Grimm that eventually possessed Catharine and turned her into a crazy serial killer nun that was obsessed with finding "the Horned One", who was Catharine's sister Clementine. Oh, I forgot all about telling you about Claire. She is a girl in the abbey who somehow will safe the world. Grimm/possessed Catharine thinks she is Clementine and searches, killing everyone in their way. Eventually with a lot of side conflict, Grimm finds Claire and they all run off with Marie and Rosalie because they are thought to be witches. Then there is this side conflict with another band of nuns with a wolf-witch and there's a huge family conflict thing. The band of nuns were originally going out to find Rosalie and Marie because someone cared for them a lot. And that is my first summary for Sister Claire, come back for more soon.

Once upon a time there was a potato. His name was Don. He enjoyed spare change and enchiladas. Don't ask I dung NOM either. A flyways, Don was a potato and he enjoyed it that way. Until the sweet potatoes overpopulated and he wa wiped to oblivious by he potatoi masher. Thankfully the humans had a nice thanksgiving dinner.
The End.

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