I'm really bored

17 4 3

And I don't want to do my homework.

So I'm writing story scenarios for my characters.

Basically an excuse to make people die.


A screech ripped through the air, though almost inaudible behind the snarling and screaming of fighters as they wrestled on the ground or clashed in the air. Kevin dodged and scurried, trying desperately to evade the large creature lumbering behind him.

"Eat this!" Kevin shouted, skidding to a stop and turning to face the monster. He charged up a shadow ball, but before he could deliver the blow, the creature batted him to the side as if he were an insect.

"Fool," the monster rumbled, "Do you think your petty attacks can do more than tickle me? I am all-powerful, there is nothing in the world that can stop me!" Kevin's Shadow Ball spiraled out of control and ripped out of his mouth, hitting his friend Chad in the face. Chad squawked and tumbled head-over-claws out of the sky, landing in a cloud if dust and barely missing Kevin.

"I'm sorry, Chadling!" Kevin yelled. He coughed and panted, lungs burning. "Nate!" The mute Yellow Devil turned. "Fight...the monster!" Kevin stole a last glance at Nate dropping the enemy he was strangling, then redirected his attention to the sudden blow to his head. His sunglasses shattered. A snarling Umbreon had knocked Kevin off his paws, and now was digging his claws into his shoulder blades. Kevin, in a panic, kicked at the Umbreon's belly with his own clawed feet, and sent him howling away. He looked towards the direction of Nate and screamed.

"NATE!!" Kevin forgot about his lack of stamina and sprinted at top speed to Nate. He splashed in some yellow goop, blinding him.

"NATE? NATE!" Kevin could only see black. He could only feel Nate's gooey, protective arms wrap around him before even Kevin's brand-new, blinded world spiraled away.

(I got them feeeels.)


With a thrust of his hand, the light-haired demon was screaming in his shadowy grasp. The cloud of black floated to his own head, and the demon's conscience became his. With a maniacal laugh, he turned to the others. There was no fear in his eyes, even though the others had all their weapons drawn.

"Well?" Silence greeted him. "Who wants to be my friend next?!" A girl with long, curly brown hair stepped forward. Ah, one of the dirty hybrids.

"Listen, you," she said calmly. "You can't force people to be your friend like that. Let him go, stop your evil ways, and we can all be frie-" She was cut off as another tendril of blackness caught her in its grasp. She did not scream, to the man's disappointment, but she was writhing in pain as her conscience was hungrily sucked up too.

"Who's... nex-" The man's words caught in his throat, making him unable to speak. His fingers trembled, then his legs, and he hit the ground with a heavy thump. "I-I..." His eyes disintegrated, giving way to a black mist not unlike the tendrils that were holding the two captives. The mist spilled out in waves and tumbles, swirling around the others' feet. The man coughed and black, bubbling liquid pooled in his mouth.

It tumbled out, a thick, boiling liquid with the stench of blood. The man's body could not stop trembling, the goo and mist coming out faster and faster, before the man's entire body exploded into a slather of mist. The goo and mist combined to create another man's image, who no-one thought they'd ever see again.

His Bulgarian laugh echoed off the walls.

(Whooo, kinda gory with that one D: )

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