seonghwa (s): mr. park

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*disclaimer: this idea was not mine originally, i was inspired by ateeznut and their ateez smut fic! so full idea credit does to them, i just took it and ran.


"Do you know why I called you into my office today, Ms. Y/L/N?" Mr. Park, my boss, asked me from across his dark oak desk. He was leaning back against his office chair leisurely, arms crossed over his chest and one inquiring eyebrow raised from behind his round wire-rimmed glasses.

I shook my head. "No, I'm afraid I don't know, Mr. Park." I responded, hands clasped over my crossed legs. His gaze was piercing and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Mr. Park pushed himself forward, simultaneously pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, before resting his own hands on his desk, mirroring my current position. "You have been a valued employee of mine; I admire you work ethic and your ambition, and it's obvious you care a lot about your job," he explained, his eyes never leaving my own. "It's proven fo me how serious you are about your position in the company and that makes a rather large impression on me."

"Thank you, that means a lot," I flushed, uncomfortable with the praise I was receiving. "Though, I'm afraid I'm still not quite sure what that has to do with you calling me into your office."

Mr. Park chuckled, shaking his head at my cluelessness. "Ms. Y/L/N, I'm offering you a promotion."

My eyes widened at his statement. "Really?" I asked, bewildered. I was expecting to be fired with the amount of tension in the room that was there when I had entered, but apparently not. I let out a small sigh of relief knowing that not only my job was secure but that I may also be advancing in the company.

"Yes, really," he answered. He stood from where he was seated and slowly made his way around his desk to the front, where he leaned up against the edge of it in front of me, his height rather intimidating from where I sat. The sleeves of his button down, I noticed, were rolled up rather casually and returned to their original position crossed over his chest. He cocked his head at me, resembling a curious puppy. "However, there is one certain requirement you will need to meet before you secure the promotion."

"And what would that be, Mr. Park?" I questioned. "I'm prepared to do anything to take advantage of this opportunity."

My boss chuckled yet again, however rather than amused as it had been before, it now seemed a little more sly; sinister, even.

"You see, Y/N," he said, dropping the previous formalities and now circling my chair like a shark. "Everything I said about you and your work ethic is true, I believe. But, I have to admit, I left out a couple more details about how I feel about you."

I gulped nervously.

He continued, "First off, those blouses you wear..." he trailed off, stopping his pacing in front of me and glancing down at my outfit. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly. "God, they fit you like a glove. Absolutely gorgeous." I sat in my chair, stunned.

"Next, those skirts... they are sinful." Mr. Park leaned forward, now eye-level with me and face only a few inches away from my own. His hands moved and rested on my thighs, the only thing preventing skin from meeting skin being my thin pair of black pantyhose. "The way they wrap around you like a second skin."

"And last, your lips... I've always wondered how they would feel on mine... and how you would taste." My breath hitches a little as his gaze drops from my eyes to my mouth.

"Sir..." I was speechless.

"You're a smart girl Y/N. I think you can guess what that little requirement is." he whispers.

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