Bague de Fiançailles

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't. There is a fine, young woman who is taking very good care of me these days." I patted her hands, and held them in my own, making her look me straight in the eyes so that she could know the seriousness of what I was about to say. "I'm not coming back to live here and take over. You should quit hoping."

"We'll see, my dear, we shall see." I let her believe what she wanted.

If all that I would come back to was this vineyard and Martina, I'd done it years ago. But my roots, my family had as much drama as an American soap opera, and far more complications as well. I realized that one day, and soon, Veronica would ask about my family here in France. Would I risk my beautiful relationship I have with her?

The answer was simple. No.

Veronica might be a level-headed, patient and understanding woman, but my family was beyond reproachful. My intentions was and had always been to be with her as long as I possibly could. Exposing her to vile that was my family could be detrimental to that plan.

So, no, no way in hell would she ever come here and meet them, not even Martina, my ever-loving grandmother, the only trust-worthy person in my family.


The apartment wasn't in complete darkness when I came in. Veronica had left a lamp on in the living room, illuminating a good portion. Even so, I wished she would listen and let me get her a dog, something vicious-looking and could rip through flesh in minutes. Or I could try and get her to move in with me, sooner rather than later.

I groaned in my hand, taking out the box out of my jacket pocket, and lifted the lid. The three point five karat off-white rock glimmered even in the sparse light. I would have to have it cleaned before presenting it to her so that she could appreciate the filigree designs. It was beautiful. It was delicate. It was one of a kind, much like Veronica, amour de ma vie. And once she said 'yes', I could have our initials engraved inside the band, right beside Martina and Philippe's. I returned the ring to the box and left it in my coat pocket. Veronica wasn't the type to go snooping around, so I knew that it would be safe in there, and the surprise would be kept in tact.

I had quite a bit of planning to do. How could one propose to the most romantic, most thoughtful and loving woman in the world? If I had been another person, I would have hired her to come up with a plan with me. I laughed at myself. That would be something to tell our children: "I tricked your mother to helping me plan my proposal for her." It would require a lot of thought every step of the way. It needed to be perfect: a combination of simplicity and pure romanticism.

I padded to the bedroom and hung my jacket on a hook behind the door. Instantly, I felt warmth just being in the same room with her. I knew she had an event tonight and without a doubt, she had come home only a few hours before I had landed. If we hadn't hit a terrible turbulence, I would have been able to surprise her with a sumptuous dinner.

After undressing, I slowly and carefully crawled into bed, and felt her stir. Even in her most tired state, she was aware of my presence. It was a connection that we shared, and a connection that never failed. I wrapped my arms around her, and she hummed. Her body moved into the curve I'd created with my body, where she fit perfectly.

I buried my nose in her hair, and her scent caused my nerves to become alive. Her chest rose and fell, and her heart beat steadily, such a contrast to the faster beating of mine. I should let her sleep. She could have had a tiring day, extended until the night. The last thing she needed was my constant state of arousal, heightened only by her mere existence.

Veronica muttered my name and it brought me to high alert. I missed her. Every minute I'd been away from her had been spent thinking about her. Of her body against mine. Of the different sensations that only she could make me feel. The passion. The fire. The everlasting love.

Her fingers tangled through mine, and our joined hands pressed against her chest. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around one of mine underneath the sheets, bringing me even more closer to her. My body felt feverish, keenly aflame. I breathed her in once more, kissing the back of her ear, and feeling the electricity surging through both our bodies.

"Welcome back home," she whispered in the dark.

Home. The word had taken a different meaning, a different form ever since she had told me she loved me. Home had always been nothing but a physical location for me in the past. With her, home was where I left my heart. And since my heart belonged to her, and only her, she had become my home. Without her, I belonged nowhere. Without her, I was lost.

And in that moment, as I kissed the pulse on her neck, her hands bringing me closer, and her legs tangled with mine, I knew without a doubt that I had made the right decision of asking Martina for that ring. All I had to do was come up with the perfect proposal and when Veronica agreed, I would forevermore be the luckiest man on earth. I would forevermore be home. And I would forevermore be loved.


A/N: Yes, I know there isn't anything different with this one. Next chapter will be new and longer and will be updated on Saturday. It has to be done this way. Y'all understand, right?

If you can't wait, check out two_awesome_authors "The Angel's Song"


EliseNoble 's "Trouble in Paradise"

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