◙ 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ◙

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The air was sticky and hot with humidity as the cats mingled among the thick leaves. There they layed among the earth, sharing tongues and chatting amicably. You could just barely see the darkening sky through the towering trees and their thick canopy. An air of peace was surrounding the camp; everyone was happy, and the future looked bright.

A pair of eyes glinted up above them, going unnoticed by the happy cats.

High above the camp, trees rose into the sky, long, thick brances reaching out into the air. If you looked closely, you could see the shape of a feline figure sitting on one of the branches. It watched the cats below them with a disdainful glare. Their tail hung limply over the edge of the branch.

Clan cats... so oblivious, so naive.

All they cared about was themselves. They had no regard for other cats. The cat's claws dug into the thick bark. Some day, he knew... they would learn.

Nearby, a dark shape moved effortlessly up the red cedar tree. They moved in complete silence. The cat originally on the branch did not move, only flicked his tail to acknowledge the newcomer.

"So." The original cat spoke as the cat manuevered their way across the branch to sit beside them. One with a straight and stiff posture, the other hunched over. It was clear who was in charge. "Report?"

"It's time, boss."

The taller cat's ear flicked, though their face betrayed no emotion. "Did you find the one?"

"Yes..." They paused for a second, choosing their next words carefully. "...there is one who is bitter. One who is tired of their leader's countless demands and scrutiny. They long to start over anew, with a leader who will truly bring prosperity to the Clan.

"They will be an easy target for us."

"Good, good..." The cat's head tilted downward for a clearer view of the camp. Their eyes drifted across the cats before finally focusing on a specific cat.

A silence passed between the two. The taller sighed in annoyance. "Did I say you could stay? Go remind everyone of the plan," they hissed.

The other cat flinched, quickly getting to their paws. "Y-yes boss." They crossed the branch to the tree trunk, climbing down just as quickly as they had come up.

Shaking their head, the original cat re-focused on the cat below them. A cat that, long ago, they used to know. They looked so happy with the Clan... Their eyes narrowed in anger. The word was like poison in their mind, spreading through his veins until it overtook their whole body.

"One day, you will be mine again..." They hissed softly, digging their claws in so deep that tiny flecks of the bark came off, floating down slowly to the ground below. It twirled and danced in the wind.

Their hiss merged into the breeze, just as soft and quiet as the breeze itself. Moving through the air, it would carry that vow with it wherever it may go. And maybe, just maybe, the whisper would even reach the camp, floating into the ears of an unsuspecting cat. Their ear flicked, but they dismissed it as nothing but the wind. And that was all it was.

Rising to their paws, the glare grew more intense as they stalked toward the trunk.

This Clan had taken everything from them.

And soon, they would finally be getting what was rightfully theirs.

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