It's Over

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Entoan’s POV One week later

I woke up in a dark unfamiliar room. There was a beeping noise on my left side. There was a faint light at the end of the room; coming from the window on what I assume is a door. I looked to my right and saw a figure sleeping in a recliner. From the small amount of light coming from the door I could barely see the face of the figure. Dlive? Where am I and why is Dlive here?

“Dlive.” I said loudly hoping to wake him up. He stirred and suddenly his eyes shot open.

“Entoan! Oh my god, you’re okay!” He got up and hugged me. I felt a twinge of pain in my arm and I flinched. He backed away.

“Oh sorry did I hurt you?” He said with panic and guilt in his voice.

“N-no I’m fine. W-where am I?” Dlive gasped and then hit himself in the head.

“You’re in the hospital; doctor said you had a severe panic attack which put you into a coma. You’ve been out a week; missed the party. From what time it is it’s November 2nd.” He said sitting back down. Holy shit. I missed Halloween. Wait hospital, that means my dad will, no, it’s the second my mom came home yesterday.

“I missed the party?” I said sitting up in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to go without you, but Ohm convinced me to go.” He said shifting awkwardly in his seat.

“You actually wanted to go with me?” I said turning to look at Dlive. I can’t believe he actually wanted to go with me.

“Heh, yeah. I thought it would be a good chance to get to know you, and for you to meet everybody.” A slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

“I’m not good with parties, or people, so I guess I lucked out.” I added a fake laugh at the end for effect. Dlive turned his head and looked at the clock and said, “You should get back to sleep, it’s late. When you wake up I’ll get a nurse.” He patted my arm awkwardly and we both went back to sleep.

Flashback to the party

Dlive’s POV

I sat in the passenger seat of Ohm’s car. Entoan was in the hospital and I didn’t want to go to The Derp Crew’s party without him. Ohm somehow convinced me to go. I got out of the car and walked up to the house. It was huge.

“This is Galm’s house?” I said to Ohm. He stood next to me and nodded.

“Yep. Let’s go.” Ohm grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the house. Once we stepped inside I was faced with a wall of loud music, warm air, and the smell of alcohol. Ohm walked towards our friends, but I decided to explore. I entered the kitchen to see many bottles of alcohol and fruit juices all over the counter. I’m not much for alcohol, or breaking the law, so I just exited the room. I stepped out onto the front porch to get some air. Damn, the smell was strong.

“Hey dude, you okay?” said a deep voice. I turned to see a familiar masked figure.

“Oh, hey, Cry. Didn’t see you there; I’m fine, it’s just the smell in there is strong, ‘ya know?” He nodded and sat on the railing. His poker face mask staring at me.

“So, you got the hots for the new kid, Entoan?” He said crossing his arms. My face turned pink.

“W-w-wh-what n-n-no.” I stuttered out. Cry laughed.

“I knew you did, the way you kept staring at him in class. You two would be cute together.” My face turned a darker shade of pink. I looked away so he wouldn’t see my face.

“And I also live by the park. I saw your little make-out session.” My face burned harder. I didn’t know a human could blush this hard.

“It’s okay dude, y’all cute together.” He said patting my shoulder.

“Hey Cry, come see this.” I turned to see a handsome brown haired guy standing at the door.

“Be there in a minute, Jund.” Scott walked back inside.

“See you later, Dlive.” He patted my back and walked inside. I wished Entoan was here. I shouldn’t be worrying about him. I’m here to have fun. I walked back inside the door and decided to explore more. I found a door and opened it; there was a flight of stairs behind it. I walked down the stairs and stopped once I heard Chilled’s voice.

“He’ll probably dump him once he sees how needy he is.” Who is he talking about?

“I say about three weeks before Entoan realizes it.” He’s talking about me. Tears started flowing out of my eyes.

“Um Chilled.” Smarty said and pointed to me standing in the door way. I started running up the stairs. How could he say that about me? I looked behind me to see Chilled running after me. I ran through the crowds of people and through the front door.

“Dlive wait.” He said grabbing my arm.

“Wait for what, Chilled? I’m done waiting.” I ripped my arm out of his grasp and continued walking on the sidewalk. He spun me around and placed his lips on mine. I pulled away immediately.

“You broke up with me Chilled, and from what you said it’s because I’m too ‘needy’.” I said staring into his eyes, tears still pouring from my eyes.

“I didn’t mean it, I was just jealous. I’m sorry.” He said staring deep into my eyes.

“It’s too late to say sorry, Chilled.” I turned and started to walk again but stopped when he yelled to me, “Can you at least give me a second chance?” I turned back around and stared straight into his eyes.

“I tried giving you a second chance, and you cheated on me. I’m done with you, Chilled. Don’t ever talk to me again.” I started walking away again, but this time; I didn’t stop.

End Flashaback 

No longer sick! I had the mumps and was very misreable. You can thank grumpgladiator on snapchat for the extra long chapter, since it was their idea. I hope you enjoyed the feel trip. Did you watch Chilled and Ze's 24 hour stream? I cried during the fanfiction part. Props to the authors. Well that's it! Comment, vote, and follow!

Twitter: PatrickStump69

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Instagram: SantaJund

If you save me, I'll save you (Dlive x Entoan)Where stories live. Discover now