(Actual Chapter) Going to Far

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Yes an actual update! I'm sorry I have such inconsistencies in updating. Welp enjoy the chapter. Also check out my senior picture!
⚠️trigger warning: self harm/ corporal punishment
Natalia's pov

After dinner I ended up retiring to my dorm when all of a sudden there were a bunch of screams from the common room. Not even 5 seconds later an angry Severus Prince Snape stormed into my room covered in silver and green glitter. Before I could run off I was picked up and hauled out of my room, my angry mate glaring at anyone who so much as looked at us. I thought we would go to his rooms or maybe back to the manor but instead he continued up to another tower and straight to Herms who was studying in the common room. She too had no chance of escape for as soon as Sevy spotted her he raced over and picked her up as well before heading back to his rooms. Which, just like their owner, were covered in glitter.
"I had thought you were joking earlier, however I was clearly mistaken." He let his glamour drop as he continued to lecture us.
"I cannot believe you destroyed my quarters! If you thought reading your potions text was bad you will definitely hate this." We watched as he walked over to a shelf in the back corner and grab two books. When he returned my eyes widened. He put the tomes directly under our noses before once more speaking,
"You will report to me every evening until each of you has copied this tome. Do. You. Understand."
"Yes Sevy"
"Yes Uncle Sev" with that he walked out of the room and to his bathroom. I couldn't help it I giggled. Herms did as well, for as soon as he left we pulled out our wand and tapped the books twice, creating a perfect copy of the first years potion text. With another wave of our wands all the glitter was gone and we left his rooms in a fit of giggles before he could return.
"By far our worst prank, what do you have in store for baby stealer?" I smirked slightly before leading her to the empty great hall and straight up to the headmasters chair. It only took and hour to set up our newest prank and with that we departed.
"Herms do you wanna sleep in my dorm tonight? I don't share a room." She smiled brightly at me and nodded. We each changed in to our night gowns and sat on my bed.
"Herms I have something for you." I reached into my bag and pulled out one of the many tiaras I received over the summer and placed it on her head.
"You're a Princess now too, you're my sister, my partner in crime and you will always be welcome in my family" Herms had tears in her eyes as she launched herself into my arms. And as if it were old times we each stayed up all night talking and playing games.

In hindsight staying up all night was a bad idea because it lead to my current situation. But let's start from the beginning.

Herms and I had looked over at the clock to see that we had 5 minutes to get down to breakfast, just as we were heading out Tonks came in my room.
"Come on cousin it's time for- oh sweet Merlin Nat you and Herms look like death warmed over." I just sent a glare her way before following her out to the great hall with everyone else. Sitting down for breakfast I just grabbed a glass of chocolate milk to drink. I could feel my whole family staring at me but I just ignored them. I am not a morning person and I'm running off zero sleep. Once I finished my glass of milk I pulled out my animagus book I'd been reading while wrapping my tail around my stomach. As soon as I was really getting into my book a bit appeared right in front of me.
"Natalia Salazar Gaunt you best eat something!
                  ~S.S, M.M, P.P"
I glared at the letter, I could feel my ears flatten and my eyes began to glow in their now golden hue, I let my claws out and scratched up the note before exiting the great hall. Who do they think they are! I stormed down to the dungeons for my first class of the day, double potions with Slytherin. I caught site of my reflection in a window and stared in disbelief for a moment. My eyes were a dark glowing yellow, my usual black curly hair was now quite literally a red fire floating around me, and my teeth showed that of a cats front fangs. Overall I looked pissed and to make matters worse, my Tiara was crooked. I fixed my Tiara and left my other features the same before heading into the potions classroom and continuing to read my animagus book. Some 20 minutes later the rest of the class showed up and my cousin Draco was the only one willing to sit next to me in my current state.
"Hey Nat!"
"Hey Dragon" the Sev came in and placed an apple on my desk with a pointed look. I hissed and then waved my wand incinerating the apple. We had a stare down for a minute until I snarled and left the classroom heading to the library. When I approached the library I saw Herms had the same idea.
"Woah there Princess lets calm you down." She grabbed me by my arm and led me to the back bean bags where she sang to me a soft lullaby that caused me to calm down. My hair returned to the crazy black curls, my teeth went back to normal, and my eyes turned to a light lavender color. She smiled at me and I smiled back.
"So sis why did you ditch class?" Herms blushed before answering,
"I was in double transfiguration with the Gryffindors and I was just so tired and then that stupid Weasely boy kept making snide comments so I hexed his skin bronze and blue before leaving the classroom." I smiled brilliantly,
"Way to go Herms!"
"What about you Nat why did you leave?" A hiss left my mouth as I recounted the whole scenario. We both just laid back in the bean bags and waited for the bell to ring.
"What class do you have Herms?"
"I have potions but I'm going to skip I have no wish to see Uncle Sev today." I giggles before hugging her bye and skipping off to History of Magic. Once more Draco sat next to me only this time he looked scared.
"I have never seen Uncle Sev so mad! Nat once you left he snapped at everyone to get to work, he took over 50 points from BOTH houses! He never takes points from Slytherin!" I just scoffed and returned to the lesson on the Goblin wars. Everyone always finds this class boring but this is important information and the goblins deserve more respect than they get. After history was lunch and so I went into the great hall and sat next to Tonks.
"Hey baby cousin what's up?" I smiled at her and gave her a hug in greeting.
"Nothing much just stupid family shit." She laughed before changing her eyes to match mine,
"I'm really digging the lavender eyes Nat, you should change your hair to!" I laughed and did as she mentioned. Lunch was really laid back and I managed to eat some pasta before heading to my last class of the day, Transfiguration with grandma Minnie. As soon as I sat down in grandmas class Draco once more appeared at my side. This lesson went by smoothly and it was once more time to head off to the great hall for dinner, only this time the headmaster was in for a surprise. Dinner began and all was normal with the student having polite chatter and studying, that is until there was a loud BOOM! All of a sudden the headmaster was covered in a brown material that smelt oddly like fecal matter. The hall burst into laughter and I silently patted my self on the back. That is until dinner ended and I found myself being dragged away by one very angry vampire. As soon as we're in his quarters Sev turned on me.
"You do not hiss at me Natalia Salazar Gaunt! You have to eat and you know it! I cannot believe the disrespect you have shown your family and I today! I cannot believe you hissed at me in front of your entire class!" I couldn't help it my hair began to float around me and my eyes glowed once more, this time they were a deep lavender rather than gold.
"I cannot believe you! You think you are so damn tough don't you! You are my fucking mate! My best friend for Merlins sake! But instead of acting like a best friend you act like a damn guard that daddy sent to watch over me! You fucking bastard! I hate you! I don't take orders from you! I don't need anyone! I made it eleven years without you, without daddy and mummy! I don't need a fucking keeper! I don't need someone to make sure I eat! I don't need a fucking adult in my life that only wants to control me! So go to hell!" My hair was once more on fire by this point and my fangs were out, I just glared at him while he glared back.
"Would you care to repeat that princess?" I whirled around and was faced with my father. I slowly shook my head no wondering when he got here.
"Severus called me as soon as you started yelling in parseltongue. Now would you like to relay the message to Severus of what you said or shall I?" I glared at him before going over to Sevy and motioning for him to bend down, then I whispered so that only he could hear,
"I um, I said some things, they aren't very nice, but I will tell you if you get daddy to leave. Please, this fight is between us Sevy please tell daddy to go home." I watched him stand back up and drop his glamour,
"Thank you for coming my lord but I believe I have it from here, as you can see she has calmed down." And it was true my hair was now a really pale lavender along with my eyes, I watched my dad pleadingly, hoping he would just go home.
"Of course Severus, Princess do I at least get a hug goodbye?" I quickly rang over to him and threw my arms around him.
"I'm sorry daddy, I'll be nice and I'll tell I'm what I said." Tears were falling down my face and I hadn't even faced Sevy yet.
"Oh princess, it is not I you should apologize to, but I accept your apology nonetheless. I love you my little princess."
"I love you too daddy." He kissed the top of my head before heading to the floo to head home. With a flash of green flames he was gone and Sevy lead me over to his couch.
"Why don't you tell me first why you are so cranky?" I nodded my head as I began my tale of the epic, but regretted, sleepover I had with Herms.
"I was just so tired Sev, my mind was muffled and all I could think about was sleep." Sev nodded at me for a minute before asking his next question.
"And why did you only drink chocolate milk for breakfast? And please explain your reasoning for tearing up our letter and storming out of the great hall!" I cringed a little at his statement,
"I didn't feel like eating and then the letter from you made me really mad! I've never been forced to eat before! And you're supposed to be my best friend! But you act more like you are apart of daddy's guard to protect me! And then in class with the Apple! The whole class saw you treating me differently than you would anyone else! They saw that I am different that I am favored! And that glare Severus! If I don't want to eat I'm not eating!" Sev stayed quiet throughout the entirety of my rant.
"Yes little one I am your best friend, but you, you are my little neko, my little submissive, and I'll be damned if I let your unhealthy habits harm you. I am your best friend, you can come to me anytime, and I mean anytime, and I will listen to your fears, I will listen to you complain about your parents, your classes, whatever drama you have going on. But you, you will listen when I give you a direct order, and as I recall my order to you was to 'no longer self harm in any fashion and to obey your parents and I' you seemed to have broken both because I also recall telling you to eat three meals a day. I love you Natalia Salazar Gaunt, you are my best friend, I love you more than you will ever know, I respect you as a person, I am your secret keeper, I respect your privacy and I treat you as the princess you are. In return I expect the same level of respect. Saying that I CANNOT believe you hissed at me in front of all your peers and then had the audacity to run away from me and out my classroom! I may be your best friend Natalia Salazar Gaunt but you would do best to remember I am still you dominant mate!" I was awful to him today, I could feel the tears build up in the back of my eyes but I didn't let them fall yet. Just as I was letting my guilt for my actions take over Sev began speaking again,
"Before we discuss your punishment would you care to tell me what you were yelling in parseltongue?"
"Oh really? You didn't break two major rules and disrespect me? That not even counting whatever you yelled at me in a language you know I do not understand." I do not know what came over me so do not ask, I have no reasoning for my next actions, all I know is I saw red. I slowly stood up, my eyes glowing the dark lavender they favored today, I could feel my hair get darker and darker as I let my claws out.
I held out my wrist and quickly smashed my claws across it watching the blood race down my hand.
"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I YELLED IN PARSELTONGUE YOU BASTARD! I CALLED YOU A FUCKING BASTARD I SAID I HATE YOU THAT I DONT NEED YOU THAT I DONT TAKE FUCKING ORDERS" whatever I was going to say was cut off as Sev drew his wand and waved it. I watched the cuts on my arms seal shut without even the slightest hint of a scar. Looking back at Sevy I gulped, staring back at me was Sev without his glamour, his fangs out, and his eyes darker than his normal obsidian pools. He stalked towards me and grabbed me by my arms hauling me back towards the couch. He sat down and pulled me across his lap bottom up, I began trembling, imagining of Vernon flashing through my mind, I jumped slightly as I felt Sev lay his hand on my back and begin rubbing soothing circles.
"Princess you know I will never hurt you, especially in the way that monster you called uncle did. However I feel it is time you learned a good hard lesson when it comes to respecting me." I could feel my muscles relax slightly as he continued to rub my back and i nodded my head slowly, and that's all I took for his hand to still and the first SMACK! to come.
SMACK! SMACK! He brought his hand down on my butt three times and that's all it took to get my silent tears flowing.
"SMACK! you will NEVER SMACK! behave in such a DISTASTEFUL SMACK! manner again! You do NOT SMACK! yell and curse at me, and you do NOT SMACK! cut yourself or hurt yourself like that again! DO SMACK! YOU SMACK! UNDERSTAND SMACK! ME SMACK!"
"Y-yes sirrrrrrrr" I was sobbing at this point and was laying limp over his knees. He picks me up and placed my head against his chest cuddling me.
"Don't make me have to do that ever again Natalia, I love you and I don't want to have to do that again."
"I'm s-sorry Sevy I-I don't know why I did that!" My tears slowed as Sevy continued to rub my back.
"All is forgiven little one your slate is clean, we will not bring it up again." I looked at him bewildered at the thought. That's it? It's all forgiven now?
"I meant what I said princess, it's all forgiven." With that Sevy cuddled me, with me eventually falling asleep safe in the arms of my protector.

Authors note: so um it's been awhile and this chapter was shitty and it's okay I'm prepared for the hate so just bring it on I guess

My little neko حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن