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Bendy growled as he stalked through the ink, headed for the real world. Joey Drew's apartment, to be exact. He found himself in the blurry, bright world of Joey's apartment. The man himself was sitting on his couch, muttering to himself as he looked through papers. Then he looked up, saw Bendy, and yelped. He was on his feet in an instant, backing away from Bendy. "You-You got your souls!" The man cried, edging away from Bendy.

Bendy innerly rolled his eyes. "Relax, I'm not here about that." He snarled, messing with the ink that forms beneath his claws. "L-Listen here, demon!" Joey snapped, his voice shaky. "I-I upheld my end of the deal! You got all the souls that tortured you- And I get to stay here!" Bendy snorted, enjoying the man's fear of him. He should be afraid. Bendy was a king.

Bendy showed his teeth. "Eye. I'm aware, Mr. Drew. You are despicable." Joey became still. "Then.. Why are you here?" He whispered. Bendy snorted. "It has recently come to my attention, Mr. Drew, that there is one soul in my loop that doesn't belong."

Joey became very still, eyes wide. Then, "He's not dead?" Joey breathes, sounding stunned. Bendy sneered. "I want an explanation, Joey." Joey was still. Then, "I thought you were a demon." He sneered. "Why do you care about one measly soul?"

Bendy slammed his hand onto a coffee table, making the man jump. "I am a demon." Bendy growled. "What I want to know- Is why you want him dead so badly." Bendy points at Joey, showing his teeth again. Joey began to laugh.

"Does it matter?" He sneered. "He's already been in the loop for over fifteen years! He's been contaminated by the ink, and can never leave!"

Bendy growled, his temper getting the best of him. "Who is he?!" Bendy snarled, lunging at Joey. "Who is Henry?!" Joey began laughing like a maniac, his eyes gleaming wickedly. "You don't even realize who he is." Joey gasped, laughing as he ducked out of the room, calling out behind him as he left, "You tortured him! And to think he used to pour his heart and soul into you, Dancing Demon! You used to be his whole life!"

Bendy became still, staring at the now empty apartment. I was? Bendy had no clue Henry had felt that way. He slipped back into the loop, head spinning. Sounded like Joey had sent Henry in here to kill him. But why? Joey hadn't answered that part. Bendy growled quietly to himself. Stupid creator.

Bendy made his way back to his Throne Room, only to find Henry gone. Bendy looked around wildly, but of course, the man was gone. Bendy growled irritability. Of course, common sense told him he shouldn't really care, he had to restart the loop. But he still felt a tinge in his chest. And why not admit it? He'd hoped to cuddle with his newest prize before starting the loop again. Oh, well. Bendy supposed he'd just restart the loop and jump out at him again. Then he could stalk the animator all he wanted. Bendy picked up his reel, and tried putting the reel into the player. But nothing happened. Bendy froze. Well, crap. It had always been Henry who restarted the loop.. But now, the loop was all messed up. Bendy growled, frustrated. He couldn't restart the loop himself, he'd have to find someone who could..

Henry POV

Henry lead the way through the familiar halls, headed towards what had been Joey's office and the reception. Wally ran after him, watching him with wide eyes. Henry led the way through the maze-like halls, without hesitation. Wally followed, pausing uncertainly at each intersection.

Henry could hear the familiar chattering of the Butcher Gang, and silently groaned to himself. No matter how many times he does it, he still finds them very annoying. He grabbed onto Wally's hand and dragged him into one of the empty offices, closing the door carefully behind them. Wally was tense. "What's-" He started.

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