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*Okay really guys... if you can't handle sex do not read this story!*

Sasuke was in front of a dark and tall castle, the ancient architectural building that everyone desperately desired to get in at least once. Home sweet home, he mused. Without even having to knock, the doors magically opened inwards, creaking as they did so. 

The male stepped in, taking in the dimly lit torches around the room and the sole grand throne chair that sat at the other end he saw daily before dismissing the sight. 

"Welcome back Cousin,"  

"Thank you, Karin," Sasuke acknowledged the woman to his left without gifting her a look, eager to return to his bed chambers. He walked to a black and golden ornamented door which lead to his room, planning on exiting before she spoke again, stopping him in his tracks. 

"Busy night?" Karin asked snidely, eyeing her family member. "As per usual, you return home without clothes. Not that I'm complaining." 

"None of your business." His hands clenched into fists. Something about her always irked him and he refused to be in the same room with her for more than a minute unless forced to. 

He heard her strut over to him and felt her barely concealed body pressed against his back and buttocks. 

"Why do you always deny me, Sasuke? Perhaps you need a little convincing..." Her arms wrapped around his waist before they dropped down on purpose and her hands travelled south, wanting to get ahold of his manhood. 

Sasuke tightly gripped her wrists, stopping her journey. He spun around quickly, glaring at her. He pulled one of the two ox-like horns on her head, tilting her backwards. She yelped in pain and he leaned towards her ear, whispering, "So you want to get fucked?" 

"By you," she moaned brazenly, rubbing herself against him. 

Disgusted by her openness, he couldn't take it any longer. With his demonic strength, he threw her to the floor and she shrieked as she fell inelegantly. 

"You should know I don't do incest, Karin. Don't bother me again and find someone else to fuck," he said venomously, glowering at her pitiful form. 

"Like I wanted to do anything with you in the first place!" she spat, her pride wounded. As Sasuke violently opened the door, Karin screeched, "Go fuck those stupid whores like you do every night!" 

He refused to grant her a reply, striding towards his master bedroom. When he arrived there, a blue-haired female with eyes the color of blue skies sat there on his bed, waiting patiently for him. She was dressed in skimpy, white lingerie. When she saw him, she gawked at the sight of his bareness, blushing a deep red. 

The man smirked deviously, his horrid mood forgotten. He had never seen her. Was she a newcomer? "What brings you here?" 

She looked nervous and stood up, stuttering, "M-my friend just recommended me to come here but maybe it's a bad idea..." 

"Lay on the bed and relax," he ordered. As the woman hesitated a bit before obeying, Sasuke studied her with hungry, lustful eyes. "I must admit, I've never had a Nievarath in my bed before." 

"Hell is too..." she shuddered and gulped, "hot for me. Our home is very icy and cold." 

"Yes, I can see that, Ice Princess." He hovered over her, his hot breath leaving small traces of heat down her neck. 

"My dear, what is your name?" His voice sounded sultry to her ears, causing her body to shiver pleasantly. 

"T-Tsume," she stumbled, not quite used to the feeling of a devilish handsome man paying such delicate attention to her. 

"Beautiful, I'm Sasuke. You'll be calling me soon enough," his voice said deeply, filled with intentions and desire. 

She squirmed, not knowing what to expect. "U-um..." 

"Relax, I'll take care of you," he planted a light kiss above her bosom. "But let's free you out of these," he said. Before Tsume could even protest, he had already removed her undergarments so quickly. 

At the sight of her naked body revealed to him, his eyes melted into a shade of maroon red. "Such a beautiful, pure soul..." he murmured. 

Sasuke kneaded her breasts gently, causing her to moan softly in approval. 

"No one can hear us so feel free to... scream," he managed to say, swallowing down his overeager excitement. He couldn't wait to just get inside her and fill her with his seed before consuming her. 

He took the most sensitive part of her breast in his mouth, licking and sucking at a pace she seemed to enjoyed while his hand expertly massaged her other one.  Her shy moans were overtaken by loud, unabashed ones, urging him to go downwards, indicating she wanted more. 

"I... I feel too hot," she panted. 

"I'll melt you into a puddle," he purred back to her, kissing his way down, from her stomach to her most treasured spot. 

Her sweet and pure scent wafted to his nostrils and he couldn't help himself but have a taste. He gave a slow, agonizing stroke, hearing her sigh in pleasure and frustration at the same time. 

Her legs opened wider, giving him more access to see her glistening. That was his cue. 

He wrapped his arms around her legs and his tongue swiftly entered her small entrance, using his expertise on hitting the right spots. Her back arched and she grabbed a tuft of his spiky hair, tugging on it harshly. She wildly moved her hips towards him, close to her climax. 

He removed his tongue to which she yelled, "Why did you stop?!" He was surprised for a moment, not expecting someone like her to be so ferocious. But as they always say, the innocent ones are the most freakiest ones in bed, he thought. To complete her wish, his attention was then placed on her nub, the trigger of bliss and gratification. It wasn't long before she was repeatedly screaming his name as she came, to which he felt his ego increase. 

She breathed heavily, slowly coming down from her high. "T-that was..." 

"We're not at the finale yet,"  

He was above her body once again. In one rapid move he pushed into her, provoking a pained scream from her. "This is the finale," he said passionately, entering in and out, not caring for her agony.  

"Please, stop! My f-father will kill you..." Tsume tried to summon her ice powers but failed, her snow melting into hot, boiling liquid. She wailed, using her hands to throw punches on his back. 

"Be quiet darling," he grunted. He was about to reach his peak when there was a knock on the door.  

"Sasuke, Father has ordered a family grouping. Stop playing around for now and come out." 

Sasuke grit his teeth in anger. He had stopped moving, glancing at the woman below him. She was sobbing and her tear-stained face wasn't helping any. He growled, "Looks like I have to cut our time short, darling." 

Just like he usually did to his victims, he kissed her lips, feeling energy flowing into him.  

Tsume attempted to fight back but felt herself thawing slowly until she was no more. 

"So that's how a Nievarath looks when they die: an unsophisticated puddle. I supposed I wasn't kidding when I said I would melt her into one. Should I feel incorrigible for this?" he mused. "Hm, a cold drink on a scorching day... how tantalizing, but not filling." 

Ah, but I suppose her sacrifice would do for now. 

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