Chapter Three - Lillian

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Lillian's eyes were half-lidded as the quartet walked into the Institute. The mission had sapped all the remaining energy she had. She didn't even catch the worried looks from her twin and parabatai as she trudged to her room. The bed was a warm, inviting hug as her consciousness faded away.

Then morning came like a punch to the face. Her alarm was a blaring reminder that training was a thing in her life. She slid out of bed and grabbed her training gear of the chair it was thrown on to the day before. With not even a glance at the adjoining bathroom, she decided to skip her morning shower as to not be late. With that, she was out the door and running down the halls to the Institute's training room.

"You're late," Isabelle commented when she walked in.

"What?! No, 'Good Morning my wonderful parabatai, how did you sleep?'"

"Late people don't get good mornings."

Jace chose that moment to walk in with Alec and Orion. The latter two had more space in between them than usual and Orion seemed to be avoiding the gaze of the taller boy. Izzy and Jace either didn't notice or just weren't commenting on the awkwardness between the two eldest boys.

"Hey, watch it, Izzy," Jace glared at Izzy with no malice in his eyes.

"Or what, Jace?" Isabelle challenged, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Alright, children," Orion stepped in with a smile, "We are here to train, are we not?"

The five of them nodded before pairing up, Lillian with Jace and Orion with Izzy. Alec went off to sulk in a corner with the excuse of "Target Practice".  Lillian could see through his facade though but wasn't going to push it. The only people who could get anything out of blue-eyed male were Jace and Orion. It was obvious that the latter wasn't ready to talk to Alec and his blonde parabatai was oblivious to anything that wasn't him or his twin.

Speaking of the twins, neither of them could seem to beat the other. They didn't even notice when Alec stalked out of the room or when Orion went after him. That was until Lillian finally got the upper hand and pinned Jace.

"I win," Lillian smirked, helping her brother up. Jace rolled his eyes and glanced around the training room.

"Where is Alec?"

"Or Orion?"

"If you two were paying attention you would have watched Orion chase after Alec," Izzy's arms were crossed and her face was twisted with displeasure.

"Sorry, Iz," Lillian pulled her hair out of the ponytail. The three walked out of the training room in search of their missing friends.

------------------- Time Skip --------------------
Jace had disappeared along with Orion. Lillian didn't even bother to look for them, knowing that the two had each other's backs. Instead she was in the training room, working herself to the brink of exhaustion.

"You should be in bed," Alec commented as he walked into the training room.

"Couldn't sleep," Was her response as she continued to train.

"Me neither... I'm worried about Orion and Jace," Alec told her.

"They'll be fine, those two always have each other's backs," Lillian reminded him as she took a break to get her water bottle.

"I guess you're right....." Alec sighed softly, "They're always so reckless and Orion seamed different today..."

"You mean the fact that the two of you were avoiding each other during training this morning?" Lillian asked Alec, a firm look on her face, "Or the fact that he wouldn't even meet your eyes at all?"

"I didn't do anything to him, if that's what you're suggesting," Alec glared at her.

"I'm not saying you did, I'm saying maybe it's what you didn't do," Lillian told him, matching his glare with one of her own.

"What do you mean?" Alec looked confused.

"It's something you two should talk about but both of you have the emotional range of a teaspoon," Lillian replies with a harsh sigh. Alec processed what she said, though he was still confused. He shook his thoughts out of his head before pinning her with a firm look.

"You shouldn't be training this hard, you're going to hurt yourself," He said to change the subject.

"I'm fine, Alec," Lillian shrugged, "I haven't hurt myself yet."

"It's the yet that worries me, Lillian," Alec said worriedly.

"I know I just-" She never gets to finish her sentence because that's when Jace and Orion come in. Orion was holding what looked to be a mundane girl in his arms, but the girl looked strikingly similar to him.

"Lillian... I need your help in the infirmary," Orion said before walking towards the infirmary with the girl in his arms. Lillian has basically no choice but to follow, with Alec and Jace trailing after her.

If y'all can't tell, Orion was holding Clary. Sorry this took so long to get out, I promise the next chapter should be posted a lot quicker. I love you all and happy reading

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