Chapter Nine - Orion

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Orion was in the secluded corner of the library, reading. Well, he was trying to read. His thoughts were a jumbled mess and it was making it really hard to focus. A soft sigh escaped his mouth as he set the book down.

"Thought I'd find you in here," Izzy's voice rang across the library. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked up to him, "Do you want someone to talk to?"

"I'm fine, Iz, I swear," Orion told her, not wanting to worry her.

"No, you aren't," Izzy responded, sitting next to him, "You got into a fight with my brother, that's unheard of."

"It's nothing Izzy, people get into fights," Orion told her, leaning his head back against the shelves.

"Not you and Alec," Izzy responded, "So, what's going on?"

"It's all too much," Orion responded hesitantly, "Clary is most likely my cousin, meaning the aunt who I mourned for is still alive. I'm falling in love with Alec and he doesn't even notice... and I can't tell him either. All of my emotions won't just shut up..."

"Orion, you can't keep holding this inside," Izzy said with a worry laced tone, "You need to tell Alec how you feel before it causes more of a rift between the two of you..."

"I can't do that, Iz," Orion told her, "It'll just hurt both of us more, and I can't do that to him... he has enough on his plate."

"Orion..." Izzy says softly. She didn't know what else to say, it was up to Alec and Orion to figure out how they feel. Though, she would stay by both of their sides as much as they needed.

"I'm gonna go, thanks though," Orion stood up. Izzy grabbed him by the wrist, softly but firmly.

"Don't run away from us, Orion," Izzy told him, "You're family."

Orion just nodded and walked out with soft steps. The least amount of attention he could draw to himself the better. He'd rather not deal with any more questions today.

He managed to get to his room without running into anyone, thankfully. With a gentle sigh, he sat at his desk and began to write. His mother had requested he write to her more often after they found Clary and like the faithful son he was, he did as she asked. His mom was one of the only people who knew just how in love with Alec he was and he often found solace in writing to his mom about him. As soon as he was finished he sent the letter to his mom, hoping to get a letter back soon. That when he heard a knock at his door.

"Who is it?" He called out, his tone more even than before.

"It's Alec, can I come in?" The eldest Lightwood's voice was slightly muffled by the door.

"If you want," Orion said, though he had some hesitation in his voice. Alec opened the door gently and stepped into Orion's room with light steps. He shut the door behind him and glanced around Orion's room. Orion had always kept his room particularly clean, but right now it was a mess. It just goes to show the emotional turmoil he was in.

"You were writing to your mom..." Alec gestured to the paper and writing utensils strewn about on Orion's desk.

"Yeah, she asked me to keep her updated about Clary," Orion told Alec, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Oh..." Alec nodded in slight understanding, "What did she have to say about the situation?"

"She wants to meet Clary," Orion says, "My mom was really close with Aunt Jocelyn when they were growing up and so any piece of her she can hold on to, she will. She's going to be coming to the Institute with your parents when they return."

"That makes sense... I bet she's missing you as well," Alec put in, crossing the room to sit at the edge of Orion's bed.

"I miss her," Orion admits, "This is the longest we've been apart since my dad..."

"I know," Alec says in a soft and sympathetic tone. Everyone at the Institute had heard the story of Jacob Roseheart, who died when Orion was fifteen. It was very rare for Orion to bring him up in conversation.

"Anyways, I really don't need to wallow in self-pity right now. What did you need from me?" Orion asked, changing the topic.

"Orion..." Alec trailed off, worried. One look from Orion had him changing topics as well, "I just came here to ask if you wanted dinner... Isabelle ordered Chinese..."

"I'm not hungry," Orion responded, turning back to his desk with its tall stacks of books.

"You haven't been eating well for days, Orion," Alec's tone began to shift to one he used on his siblings when they didn't take care of themselves, "You need to eat something."

"But..." Orion glanced back at Alec, argument dying in his throat, "Fine... If I eat dinner, will you stop worrying so much?"

"I always worry about you," Alec responded, a little too truthful for both boys' tastes. They were both quiet for a bit, Orion's blush becoming more noticeable.

"Thanks, Alec," Orion smiled softly, "So, let's go eat then."

"Yeah..." Alec trailed off, following Orion out of the latter's room. They both made their way down to the kitchen in relative silence. Alec didn't know what to say to the boy he seemed to be so far in his head that he probably wouldn't register it anyways. By the time they reached the kitchen the rest of the Institute's inhabitants were already there and a strange, mundane boy that Orion didn't know.

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